Who should speak at M16 in Las Vegas?

How about some lectures on EFB features. I’d love to see a tutorial on ForeFlight pearls … same with Aerovie and now I’m pining for some Wearherspork attention… this would be a useful and practical teaching topic.

I will be doing a presentation on Saturday. Won’t be specifically dedicated to using WeatherSpork, but will certainly be showing some screenshots within the material that I’m presenting.

How about you find a sturdy milk crate, set it in a high-traffic corner of the exhibition hall with a portable speaker and mic, and all the People Smarter Than You ™ could then get 10 minutes to get up there and tell all the rest of us how we’re doing everything wrong and how much better they could do it, if we’d only just listen? [;)]

OMG… Andy!!!

Hyde Park

There is too much snark on COPA. Needless irony has even infected the formerly stable genius el equis-presidente.

I propose we expel JuanK.

I’ve attended both Nashville and Vegas Migrations. They were very similar speaker/content wise so I’m glad you are looking for new speakers. I would gladly listen to fellow COPA members talk about their life lessons in their own fields. Doesn’t have to be Cirrus or aviation related. I would love to see debates or panel discussions. Some format that enables others to see what others do beyond flying. For example anyone in the surgery field has a green dot on their badge. Tech folks purple etc. I felt it was hard to mingle easily with folks I did not already know. Including the opening evening party and the main dinner. The dinner last year in Nashville highlighted Jerrold for his many achievements. I’ve only known and clashed with him on the boards. But I gained great respect for his achievements and his flying career which was highlighted via that dinner. I think there could be a way to do a mini version of that for that could highlight many members and open the door to interact with one another much easier. Happy to discuss over the phone in more detail.

Also, is this a good place to suggest we bump the cost of attending Migration to…kidding.

I agree. I may even have said something along these lines to the powers that be about past Migrations. I’d enjoy seeing evidence of professional or personal excellence among fellow COPAns.

Just as examples, I have respected and enjoyed Gordon Feingold on COPA for 10+ years. We have met and broken bread multiple times outside of formal COPA events, even. But I have no real appreciation or knowledge of his (former) craft as a software entrepreneur. Same for: what did Curt Sanford actually accomplish to become as successful as I think he was as Carly Fiorina’s lieutenant at AT&T. I’d like to know what Jim Clutter learned in the process of bringing to market Cirrus simulators and creating a business around them. Etc.

Some of these topics may have a Cirrus or flying component. But mostly I’m curious about how folks achieve (or fail but not from lack of trying) excellence in their lives.

Maybe mine is a minority curiosity, but I’d love for Migration to include a “COPA Ideas Festival” of sorts. I enjoy Mike Busch and Rick Beach telling me about the things that Mike Busch and Rick Beach do… they’re important and crucial things. But there’s more to life than flying a Cirrus, even at a Migration.

Looking forward to it Scott. Remarkable product!!

For those taking the SAT: Foreflight is to EFBs as WeatherSpork is to weather prep. Get ready!

Sanjay how would you phrase that ?

Our M16 website is up and has a tentative list of speakers. See here: http://migration.cirruspilots.org/performers/

Good so far. Let’s add some more. I’d love to hear from a panel of instructors with some questions prepared for them. Or and a panel of SF50 owners with a Q&A session. A panel of Cirrus employees with a Q&A although it could get awkward.

Interesting that all suggestions so far are MEN ONLY…No WOMEN other than AJ? Surely there are some out there that would captivate us…just say’n

well, we are close to California so one of the speakers might self select for an alternate gender