Our program of speakers at M16 in Henderson, Nevada is big… really big. Will you be there?
Our keynote speaker at dinner on Saturday, October 13 will be Brian Udell. He has lived through the fasted ejection from an aircraft ever. You should hear what he has to say.
John Bone will tell the story of his 2018 Around the Globe in a Cirrus SR22. The 17-minute video of his journey is amazing. See it at M16.
Daniel Cheung has prepared a comprehensive update to 2018 tax changes involving aviation. Taxes are only boring until you get audited, then wish you had been in Daniel’s presentation.
Scott Dennstaedt shares: “What the FAA Doesn’t Want you to Know about Weather”. More importantly, Scott does want you to know, so listen carefully to this former NWS Meteorologist.
Ross Robillard of Midwest Aircraft Refinishing will discuss various ways to refurbish your Cirrus, from paint to interior to panel and much more.
Jim Barker shares the inside secrets of what to look for in a pre-buy inspection, and how to manage the process to insure nothing critical gets missed.
Dave Fetherston will educate us on the various technical and cost solutions for ADS-B Out, which is mandatory for virtually all U.S. Cirrus’ in 2020.
One out of four Cirrus planes is flying outside the US, 2/3 of them in Europe. Can you be so kind and point me to the appropriate legislation making ADS-B Out mandatory outside the US. Thanks.
Isn’t there a requirement in Europe to run Mode S transponders?
However not an ES version of Mode S, right? I believe they are still evaluating that.
I think that is a fairly old implementation date, at least that is my recollection.
Unless a Mode is is ES capable it isn’t ADS-B. But it does send things like tail numbers to ATC. Most Mode S transponders can be converted to “ES” models pretty easily.
I think there are some other countries that are requiring the ES version. At least in the most complex airspace. I am thinking Australia is one of those, perhaps someone knows for sure.
If you run a transponder, than it’s gotta be mode S, but there is no universal requirement to use one. That depends on flight rules, air space, country, and mtow.
I only wanted to clarify the claim that virtually all Cirrus have to have ADS-B out. Scott already corrected his posting.
Same is even true here in the US. You really only need a transponder in certain airspace. Even for ADS-B if you want to avoid Class B, C and A then you don’t need ADS-B.
From a practical standpoint, Cirri are great traveling airplanes and really an owner should not allow themselves to be limited by equipment from accessing those places. All Cirrus are likely to have the highest level of surveillance equipment needed in that airspace.
To best appreciate Captain Udell’s excellent talk, I suggest reading Deep Survival: Who Lives, Who Dies, and Why by Laurence Gonzales, before arriving at Migration. It was recommended to me just last week by a pilot friend who does search and rescue work in the northern Sierra Nevada. I’m halfway through it and greatly enjoying it. This is not what you might expect. It is not about how to use a map and compass or start a fire. It delves into psychology and neuroscience and shows applications to a broad range of situations like flying, business, marriage, etc.