COPA Migration 16: Announcing Brian Udell as Keynote Speaker

The M16 Committee is excited to announce that Brian Udell will be the Keynote Speaker at Migration 16 to be held October 11-14, 2018 at the Green Valley Resort and Spa, Henderson, Nevada.

Brian is an inspiring and motivational speaker. The survivor of an ejection from an F-15E fighter aircraft at nearly 800 mph, Brian has an awe inspiring story of survival, resolve and hope. With one dislocated arm, two broken legs and massive open wounds, Brian survived four grueling hours in the Atlantic Ocean at night in 60-degree, 5-foot seas and 15-mph winds while awaiting rescue. After months of intense physical therapy, Brian surprised many by not only walking, but also flying fighters again. His 9,000 flight hours began at age nine and include over 100 combat missions in Southwest Asia. He received four Air Medals and three Aerial Achievement Medals for combat missions over the skies of Iraq. Brian now flies for a major airline. We are excited to have Brian as our Keynote Speaker!

Your Migration 16 Committee is hard at work getting our Registration Website up and running. The devil is in the details as they say and we are still confirming several items necessary to launch. We hope to have the registration site up and running in a month or so. Thank you for your patience!!

Bill Myers

M16 Committee Chair

Good choice. I heard Captain Udell’s excellent talk in Truckee a few years ago. Also got to hear Jon “Jughead” Counsell’s talk at the bonfire at the High Sierra Fly In. Both inspirational speakers with an amazing story.


Great choice. Had the pleasure to have Brian at one of my Microsoft events. Will not be a dry eye in the place. You will all be proud and inspired. Just make all the Air Force guys seat in the back of the hall. [:D]

Cool. Looking forward to M16!

Hey Bill thanks for all your hard work on this.
This will be my first migration and while i know there isn’t an agenda yet is there recommendations on when to fly in and out? I know sometimes the first day of an event is typically registration etc and sometimes the last day is a half day. I’d like to get my hotel reservation locked in before they’re gone!

Thanks for the kind words Adam. We look forward to your attending your first Migration, this should be a good one.

We are putting the final touches on our M16 Website and hope to have it up and registration open by May 1, though that date may slip a bit if things don’t come together exactly as we planned. The M16 Website should answer all of your questions, but let me take a stab at addressing the questions you raised:

-“When do I fly in and Fly Out?”: Registration will open Thursday afternoon and COPA Cabana, our welcome cocktail party, will be held Thursday evening. Folks typically fly in Thursday morning and early afternoon. However, those that sign up for Roger Whittier’s Owner’s Maintenance class, which starts at 10:00 am on Thursday, typically fly in Wednesday night.

As to fly out, our event ends Saturday evening after our Saturday Banquet, so most folks fly out Sunday. The M16 Website will have arrival and departure procedures that Migration Committee Member par excellence Erik Gundersen has worked with the FAA and the FBO to develop.

And while our M16 COPA Registration site isn’t yet open, rooms can be booked at the Green Valley resort and SPA using this link: in order to get our discounted rate!

Hope that helps. And watch for upcoming announcements about Registration opening!

The M16 Committee is excited for this year’s event, and we look forward to seeing you!!!

Perfect thanks so much Bill!