Who should speak at M16 in Las Vegas?

Ah, I didn’t know that. Yes, it was a fiasco, and IIRC the Feds in DC kind of had a fit and this hasn’t happened since.

Not me. I do speak 50 times a year. But the COPA crowd doesn’t need my business/investment opinion.

I’d recommend Dick Karl of FLYING magazine. Former cancer surgeon, briefly a fractional jet pilot, now owner of Raytheon Premier.

I’ve spent time with Dick. He’s the real deal. He’ll have cred with COPA members.

He really comes across that way in his columns.

To hang up a lucrative profession just to become a lowly right-seat charter pilot, you‘ve really got to love flying—sorta like this guy:

Hey, don’t get a swollen head. I didn’t suggest you. I suggested your relative, Karl. But nooooo, you had to come out of the closet and admit that I might have been talking about you. Anyhow, if you were our speaker, at least you could be assured that any applause given wasn’t because you were being paid more than a cup of coffee.

Actually, they could use your business/investment opinion. Lots of the COPA members actually think that an airplane is a good investment. (Don’t tell Ed Bolen that I said that)

A couple of years ago I was at an event in Seattle, the guests speaker was John Foley, ex-Blue Ángel. He was an awesome speaker, full of amazing aviation stories and life lessons, he captivated the room! He might be pricey but worth every penny!


We have done a keynote one speaker for quite some time. Given they talk over dinner it is what it is.

You might want to invite: LACHLAN SMART. Youngest Pilot to fly around the world solo. Did it in an SR22 last year.


Maybe our Ausie group can bring him over.


Just don’t make him attend Camp COPA. [:D]

If you don’t like him for keynote; He would make a great session speaker.

How about Brian Shul - SR-71 pilot?


I saw him at an AOPA event several years ago and he was great…

Many, maybe all, suggested folk are likely to be fascinating. But I wonder. (Other than our journalist celebrities) surely we have in COPA membership many highly accomplished and entertaining candidates?

Sanjay is surely right. There is a vast amount of knowledge and wisdom among COPA members. Everyone who comes here knows who the credible ones are.

But a lot of smart, accomplished people balk at speaking.

Therefore … you might consider a 1:1 onstage interview as an alternative to a featured speaker.

Do I hear echos of a volunteer?

Air Force pilot Capt. Brian Udell–one of the only pilots in history to survive after ejecting from a fighter at supersonic speeds. Heard him speak–it was awe inspiring.

Dr. Story Musgrave–physician, pilot, astronaut. Truly a most amazing American.

Thanks for the many replies.

To clarify, my original post was to solicit topics and speakers for our educational sessions (as opposed to our keynote dinner speaker).

I hope you have already scheduled Mike Radomsky for ownership hacks session - an absolute gem.

Engine management would be another excellent topic. I hereby nominate Roger.

We can ask my good friend retired Astronaut Ron Garan, he lives in Tucson and is Chief Test Pilot for https://worldview.space/

He and I did some filming together http://www.mauiflightacademy.com/cratersofmars.html

I am open to speaking on Angle of Attack.

I would recommend Patrick O’Dooley http://www.patrickodooley.com/

Patrick is a professional speaker, former pilot -

He does a Tremendous job


Hi Scott, I’d be happy to speak about vision health, cataract surgery, and LASIK. Thanks, Marc

I think Marc would make a great speaker.

I could tell scary stories of climbing above 20,000’ (without a cannula!) and stepping over not so smart climbers bodies…

I was huffing and puffing at 14,500’ on Whitney last year. 20,000’ is super-human.

Rich Stohwell - the god father of stand and spins. I think he was involved early with Cirrus and spun them?

He’s a great guy too!