Update for Garmin 430 download for MS FS2002
As of a week or so ago, FS Avionics was acquired by a new company. This is the place where you were able to download a working Garmin into Microsoft FS2002. In fact there is still a link to this site on the COPA MS FS download section. Currently the new company has not announced who they are yet but claims the old GNS 530/430 downloads will become and be supported as freeware. Once I find out the new web site the MS FS 2002 COPA link will be updated.
Other news www.flightsim.com has another free Cirrus SR20 that can be downloaded. It looks quite nice on the outside and offers ¾ of the entire instrument panel including a partially functioning Garmin stack and S-Tec 55. Unfortunately the instruments are a little small to see. Those of you with 25 inch monitors may find it cool. Sad to say the flight characteristics are a little off and sensitive.
Flight Factory Simulations at www.flightfactory-simulations.com/ is getting closer to having a commercial add-on of both the SR20 and 22. In their last email to me they pointed out the following updatesÂ…
They needed to finish making the CAPS cute deployment art. The virtual cockpit is about 55% complete. The aircraft sounds are complete and about 25% of the gauges are now made for the aircraft. They are not sure about including the PFD, but do know it will include the Avidyne MFD. The whole engine monitoring screen is complete. I did ask if they could offer a COPA discount and they said they would get back to us on that.
That is all I have for now. Please see previous posts for other sim sites that carry the SANDEL SN3308, ARNAV and Garmin radio stack downloads.