Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 Update
I have been waiting to make a post on this subject. Since it has been addressed, here is where I am at with the 2004 SR2X files.
The FS2002 files work fine and work OK with 2004.
The Cirrus model for FS2004 has one main annoyance, the Garmin GPS. It will not accept the icon button and will not bring up the GPS display. If and when I find a way around this I will post an update. For those SR20 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2 electric owners, I have modified the panels a bit. I was waiting to post them on this site until I had the GPS issue fixed. I may have to buy the latest version of “Config Edit” to fix things and I am not sure it is even on the market yet.
As mentioned already, Flight Factory Simulations is working and an excellent PFD, Emax, etc. model currently and should hopefully be on the market within 6 months or so. There are also some SANDEL and Garmin 430 add ons at the “Realty XP” site.
For now I will do what I can in my spare time.
I hope to have good news soon.
Jim Campbell, CFII
Northridge, CA
(818) 366-7877
SR20 N7788T