Awhile back, it appeared as though one of the SR20 owners and his A/P mechanic helped identify the cause of the cold start problem on the SR20. Don’t remember the details, but believe it was related to a fuel valve not opening properly during startup (low voltage?). Did CD confirm this was the problem and issue a SB to correct it?
Recently saw a note on the forum indicating that SR22’s were even harder to start. LONG priming required. Frankly, there is no way that 60+ seconds of prime would do anything but flood the cylinders with fuel UNLESS there was an obstruction in the fuel system somewhere. So, if we’ve got another starting problem, I think we need to press CD to address it, rather than rely on an owners A/P to identify the fix for them. If the post was a random problem, then I’ll just hope it doesn’t turn up on 7174P!
Feedback from current SR22 owners ?
Bob Price
7174p, SR22/#43 June 20, 2001
Awhile back, it appeared as though one of the SR20 owners and his A/P mechanic helped identify the cause of the cold start problem on the SR20. Don’t remember the details, but believe it was related to a fuel valve not opening properly during startup (low voltage?). Did CD confirm this was the problem and issue a SB to correct it?
I am that owner; and while the change my A/P made seemed to help a lot, I found out later that it was NOT done with Cirrus’ blessing. Cirrus was quite upset that he had done this, because there was apparently a good chance that he could have done more harm than good; I was just lucky. So, no SB.
If anyone’s still having problems (especially now that it’s warmer), I suggest contacting CD Customer Support.
Feedback from current SR22 owners ?
My SR20 was very easy to start (at above freezing temperatures) compared to the IO-550 in my SR22, which is a cantankerous beast. I’ve gotten to the point where I can start it reliably, but you really do have to follow the instructions, which say to prime 30-60 seconds. I think this one can be blamed on Continental.
It’s always a confidence-inducing event for passengers when the engine is kicking and sputtering on one cylinder. I’ve gotten my “1940s technology in a new plane” speech down pat.
Having said that, once that 550 is rumbling (it doesn’t purr, to be sure) I sure do love having it up there.
My 22 starts real easy, that is as long as long as you give it 30 seconds of prime. If hot, then the procedure described below (throttle and mixture full, run boost pump for a while) works perfect. 30 seconds sure feels like too much, but works every time. I live in Phoenix, and it was warm in Duluth when I picked it up, so I have not had the pleasure of a really cold start
Awhile back, it appeared as though one of the SR20 owners and his A/P mechanic helped identify the cause of the cold start problem on the SR20. Don’t remember the details, but believe it was related to a fuel valve not opening properly during startup (low voltage?). Did CD confirm this was the problem and issue a SB to correct it?
Recently saw a note on the forum indicating that SR22’s were even harder to start. LONG priming required. Frankly, there is no way that 60+ seconds of prime would do anything but flood the cylinders with fuel UNLESS there was an obstruction in the fuel system somewhere. So, if we’ve got another starting problem, I think we need to press CD to address it, rather than rely on an owners A/P to identify the fix for them. If the post was a random problem, then I’ll just hope it doesn’t turn up on 7174P!
Feedback from current SR22 owners ?
Bob Price
7174p, SR22/#43 June 20, 2001
Mags off.Throttle full open,mixture full rich turn on fuel boost pump to hi if available. wait for fuel pressure to make a swing then pump off,throttle cracked mixture full rich mags on then you will see 3 blades before she pops to life. Allways works.You start with a known.You know vapor exist in the fuel lines and need a quick purge.It works everytime.
That is EXACTLY the procedure I use in my IO-520 Bonanza and it works every time.
The hot start procedure I use is
Mixture ICO
Throttle open full
Fuel pump on for 15 seconds
Mixture full rich
Throttle 1/4 inch
Starter engage
I have no idea whether that is appropriate or advised for the IO-550 in the SR22.
Mags off.Throttle full open,mixture full rich turn on fuel boost pump to hi if available. wait for fuel pressure to make a swing then pump off,throttle cracked mixture full rich mags on then you will see 3 blades before she pops to life. Allways works.You start with a known.You know vapor exist in the fuel lines and need a quick purge.It works everytime.
I have no idea whether that is appropriate or advised for the IO-550 in the SR22.
It’s either that or you burn your starter to hell.It’s an old simple trick.Most these guys who write the procedures are engineers who need to write silly procedures to prove their job is valuable.Oh I am kidding.Kinda