I just wanted to inform the group that about 10 days ago an SR22 with four Swiss crashed in the Pyrenees in Spain. The flight originated at Ibiza and should have terminated in Basle, Switzerland. There is very little info about it. All died.
Will not speculate about the cause what wanted to inform. If some of you know more about it please share as we fellow pilots in Switzerland have very little info.
Thanks and don’t forget to look out of the window instead of at the Avidyne.
The thread you are talking about is in the members forum. The poster is not a member so would not be able to find this through a search of the public forum.
sorry, I don’t have access to the members forum as I don’t own a Cirrus. Why have you chosen to use the closed forum rather than the public one? This is information that should be shared publicly, even if it is bad news. There is no intention to bash the plane but a mere wish for info. If I could afford one I would own one, for sure.
You do not have own a Cirrus to be a COPA member. Just have to step up to the plate and pay 50 $ per year a good Value. Then when you can offord one some day you have much more information. Have anice dat Don
Why have you chosen to use the closed forum rather than the public one? This is information that should be shared publicly, even if it is bad news.
When you ask, "Why have you chosen…, I assume your question is directed at COPA, not at Don. In fact, threads start their life (and then live) on whichever forum the first poster chooses; in this case, the first poster (not Don), chose to post on the Members Discussion forum.
I agree that the subject is of general interest, but so is a great deal of what gets posted on the Members Discussion forum. If something is an immediate safety concern, someone (almost?) always cross-posts from the Members Discussion to the Public Discussion forum. Otherwise, many members tell me that they don’t even read the Public forum much, because of the relative value (to them), and the volume, of the discussions on the Members Discussion forum.
COPA has grown a lot - now, with well over 1,000 members and an all-volunteer staff, paid membership is our only regular source of income; and it’s an amazing value at $50/year! You are an articulate fellow – why not join? We’d love to have you. BTW, are you the same Placido who used to frequent the ‘old’ forum?
Yes, my general question was not directed to Don. In the past, when there was an accident which involved a Cirrus aircraft, you could usually read it on the public forum. My reaction might be stronger this time because it involved Swiss citizens and I am based in Switzerland, so my hunger for info is definitely biased.
Yes, I am the same Placido from the old forum and I used to be a position holder for an SR20. My usual mission profile crossing the Alps and the SR20’s limited altitude performance had me look for something else since I could not afford an SR22. Believe me, I would love to own one. My choice fell on a used TB20 which has superior hauling capacity and climb performance than an SR20 and obviously the price tag was well below a new SR20.
I am happy with my choice considering the circumstances, would I prefer an SR22? Anytime.
So, to cut a long story short, could it be possible to make that particular thread accessible to the public? Copa surely is a very valuable institution but so is the Socata.org community for a Socata driver. The same could be said for the Cessna, Piper, Beech etc. communities and you cannot subscribe for everyone. It goes without saying though that I have been lurking in the Cirrus forum ever since.
So, to cut a long story short, could it be possible to make that particular thread accessible to the public? Copa surely is a very valuable institution but so is the Socata.org community for a Socata driver. The same could be said for the Cessna, Piper, Beech etc. communities and you cannot subscribe for everyone. It goes without saying though that I have been lurking in the Cirrus forum ever since.
Yes, the same could be said about the value of the various owner groups, and I understand why one couldn’t join them all… and, by the same token, I’m sure you appreciate that all of the topics on the Members Discussion forum are of interest to SOMEONE who’s not a member, and we can’t publish them all! [:)]
I do remember you from “way back” - please email me at mikerad@nerc.com - I’d like to re-establish contact.
The pilot presented/displayed in the airport of Ibiza day 12 of October of 2003 a Plan of Visual flight to Bale/Mulhouse. The predicted time of departure he was the 11:00 hours. He indicated in the Flight plan, like crossing sites, point N located in San Antonio North Abbot and exit of the CTR of Ibiza, the VOR Bagur located in this locality of the Brave Coast, the VOR Perpignan located in this locality of the South of France, and other points of the FIR Marseilles. 100 LL loaded 203 liters of gasoline and took off to 11:46 hours. The considered duration of the flight was of 4 hours. To 12:53 hours it communicated by radio with Barcelona ACC, in the frequency 133.025 MHz. It informed that one came near to Bagur, it flew on 1500 feet of altitude and solicitd to come direct to Perpignan. Control maintained to the delay seconds to him while it confirmed with Tower of Girona the card of this flight. To 12:55 hours, the controller of Barcelona ACC called to the airship and she indicated to him that for information of traffic and requests they contacted with Girona in the 120.90 frequency Mhz, corresponding to Girona APP. The pilot did not get to communicate with Girona. To 17:07 hours Detresfa of the Flight information center of Reims corresponding to the disappearance of this airship was received. As of that moment the Spanish SAR initiated the search as much as the French. The search began so much in the province of Girona like in the Mediterranean Sea to the east and north of Bagur, as well as in the Southeastern of France. In later days one went limiting the zone search with all the recovered radar data of the flight, since the airship went equipped with transponder. To 17:45 hours of day 14 of October, a search and rescue helicopter communicated to the RCC of Balearic that had located the rest of the airship in the Mountain range of L´Albera, to about 8 km to the North of Espolla (Girona). This point was located approximately in the predicted route and between the VOR Bagur and the VOR Perpignan. The 4 occupants passed away as a result of the impact. A fire began on the rest of the airship that was extinguished by itself and as soon as it affected the surrounding forest. The impact against the South slope of the mountain took place to a level of 830 meters, 2725 feet. The gathered testimonies indicate that in the zone and the morning of the event, day 12 of October of 2003, the time was rainy, with clouds of smaller consistency to low height and more compact others over these; the cord of the Mountain range of L´Albera could not be distinguished that for of natural border with France. Main Introduction Investigation Notification How to arrive