SR20 Contract

I’m looking at signing an initial contract

for an SR20 and was wondering about a couple

of things:

  1. Have position holders generally signed the

contracts as written or have you made changes?

I know some people have written in things about

the payload, but what about the more legalese

clauses? For instance, the contract allows the

price to rise with inflation, but then doesn’t

let you get out if there are significant delays

caused by strikes or parts shortages. This

seems to let Cirrus just have the purchase

price rise while they are having problems with

production, no?

  1. Have position holders generally used lawyers

to review the contracts? If so, do any of

you have recommendations on lawyers with
experience in plane purchases and Minnesota

contract law?

Thanks for any assistance/advice!

– David

I’m looking at signing an initial contract

for an SR20 and was wondering about a couple

of things:

– David

You may want to think about a lost medical clause.

I’m looking at signing an initial contract

for an SR20 and was wondering about a couple

of things:

– David

You may want to think about a lost medical clause.

I have now signed two contracts with Cirrus. The first, nearly a year ago for an SR20, included a whole host of special clauses I insisted upon to protect myself.

I have now signed a second contract for an SR22. I signed the standard agreement and did not ask that any additional provisions be inserted. After having talked with, met with and gotten to know the folks at Cirrus, I’ve concluded that they are genuinely good people who seem to always want to do the right thing. I feel much more protected by that knowledge than I would feel in the hands of any attorney or with more clauses.

Having said that, however, the lost-medical provision is probably a good idea.


Having said that, however, the lost-medical provision is probably a good idea.


What would a lost medical provision be?
