Possible ride-swap: Next Tuesday, April 23, I am going to leave my plane at Airways, in Lancaster PA, for a week or so. It’s getting the Arnav display upgrade, plus the engine monitoring kit.
The airplane usually lives at KGAI, Gaithersburg, which is where my car will be. Anyone in the mood to trade a LNS-GAI flight on Tuesday – in return for my giving you the same KLNS-DC area ferry service some time in the future? I ask because it’s a 35 minute flight and at least a three hour drive (not to mention one-way car rental harrassments).
Unfortunately, I will be in Europe from 4/21-4/24, but in the future, if I am in town, I am more than willing to stop over from THV and give you a lift…just give me a call or drop me an email…btw, I saw an article on you in the Lehigh Univ Alumni Magazine last week…looks like you are staying very busy!
Thanks for offers of a ride. I feel like an Angel Flight recipient and now have a ride lined up. Will be happy to do the same for others.
On the Lehigh front, I enjoyed visiting there for a speech last week (flying into the inexplicably large and nice ABE) without even knowing that it was the alma mater of several Cirrusites. Beautiful spring day, lovely campus, I can see while its alums are loyal.