Just got the word, no instrument rating, no insurance on a 22. This is with 350 hour in type 500 total, no claim or violations. The time in type went out the window because of the claims in the last year against other Cirrus. Well I guess we will get to work on the ifr ticket…Ed
Couldn’t help but notice your plane for sale in the marketplace section. I sure would hate to see you leave the Cirrus community over this - if that is the primary reason anyway.
There are a lot of ways to get an accelerated IFR rating. There are many places that if you do the King tapes and have a written already taken will put you through a very compressed training session where you fly just about all day, everyday for about 10 days in their planes. Then you take the checkride.
No doubt after that you would want some Cirrus specfic instruction to really understand and use the equipment, but that would get you insured and back in the air.
Good luck, a real bummer. BTW, I know a guy that has less than 200 hours total, no ifr rating and no time in type that just got insurance. The cost was frightful, but it was available.
Ed: I saw your plane for sale as well and hope that it is because you are upgrading not due to the insurance.
You might want to speak with Cirrus. They are offering some incentives to new purchasers and may be willing to help you out as well. this may be a long shot, but they wont say “yes” unless you ask.
No, the sale is to get a upgraded one.Thanks for the comments…ED
Delighted to hear you’re remining in the fold!
I guarantee that you’ll enjoy training for the instrument rating. Having it will help you get the most utility out of your fabulous new Cirrus!
I dunno, Ed. Getting an instrument rating in one of them PFD equipped aeroplanes just might be cheating. Why back in my day (2001), I had to shoot approaches with just an altimeter, a whiskey compass, and an ADF. On one engine! (well, it WAS a C-182) Not only that, but they expected me to talk on the radio and follow all sorts of stupid rules, like staying within 5 miles of the final approach course and not going below the minimum descent altitude. Sheesh! I’m sure glad I got me one of them push-button airplanes now. The only problem is that unless you work the vertical speed control just right, the autopilot sometimes lands a little rough.
Supposedly true airline squawk:
Pilot: Autoland does not work.
Response from Maintenance: Aircraft not equipped with autoland. Hmmm.