I have been flying a Cirrus SR20 only for few hours and I would like to fly more, but there is no availability for rent in my area so i am considering to buy an SR20 G1 or G2 but I can’t find information on the maintenance cost I can expect in europe (Italy).
Renting cost here are higher than in US, so I can expect that maintenance cost are higher too.
But how much Higher?
That’s completely dependent on HOW you maintain it!
The best and cheapest way is to set up an individiual AMP (Aircraft Maintenance Program) und “Part ML”. This gives you maximum flexibility and also allows pilot/owner maintenance. For example you can do your own oil changes and 50 h inspections and a lot of smaller maintenance.
Under “Part ML” you can also decide which components you want to run “on condition”, only the items under Chapter 4 of the Cirrus Maintenance Manual are mandatory. For example you HAVE to change the CAPS system every ten years, the Line Cutters every 6 six years and some other items.
You set up that program yourself, sign it - and you don’t even have to show it to any authority. You will be responsible.
My last CAPS repack was 2016 and it cost € 13.500 at Cirrus SAS in the Netherlands. Will probably be a little more expensive now.
The engine you can fly past TBO on condition as a private owner/pilot, so there is no need for an overhaul until it’s really finished. This means that it will be looked at (just like always) at every annual and signed off for the next year and (typically) 100 hours. Even if a cylinder or other component goes bad you can always repair the engine and fly on – until your Service Center refuses, for example because the engine does not pass the basic tests, or if there’s lots of metal in the filter.
An overhauled (zero hours) IO-360 engine will probably cost around € 40.000 in Europe. I am only familiar with the IO-550 prices so you have to double check, but it will be in the ballpark 40-45.
I was hoping to find more than one european pilot answering to this issue, to understand if the renting rate of 315€/hr is similar in other country, and if 300 € /hr is a reasonable estimate of the cost I can expect flying 120hr per year.
I fly a SR22 around 100 h per year, and it costs me around 25-28.000 Euros per year, including hangar, insurance, fuel, maintenance, smaller repairs. But without (unnecessary) upgrades. Also not included is the acquisition, because I paid for the airplane in cash.
I do not count reserves for engine overhaul. I still have at least 8 years to fly, and there is no law that commands overhauling the engine at 2000 hours, so you don’t have that number.
There is no deprecation at the moment. My plane (bought in 2013) is at least worth € 60.000 more than when I bought it.
As I said I did not count financial cost. There is 0% interest rates on any account in Europe, so if you have the money you better spend it (I do on airplanes and guitars)
I have my sr20 since 2012. I would say it cost 180/200 euro per hour.
It will cover and put aside the necessary items and consumables without upgrades.
The MFD might fall down at some point and if you are not able to repair it it will be an extra 7.5k.
Tyres, fairings etc… Are usual surprises.
Battery can happen too.
I am the second owner of the aircraft and I had to to do a cylinder overhaul… So even if you are not require to do a full overhaul at 2000h you might meet this unpleasant friend…
If you are interested I have a spreadsheet I use to budget airplanes costs on single pistons engines.
I just entered COPA because I am planning to buy a SR20, but I am not totally sure if it is the perfect plane for me yet. Could you please send me the spreadsheet as well because maintainance is a big factor for my decision.
I have an SR22 in Germany. No spreadsheet, but I can tell you that an SR22 (and the SR20 will be similar) will cost € 25.000 to 30.000 per year for 100 hours, including gas, maintenance, hangar, insurance.
If you can do a lot of the maintenance yourself it will be cheaper. An annual can be € 3000 – or € 15.000 if there’s many discrepancies, which many times is the case right after acquisition. A very good prebuy is important.
I operate a SR20 in a flying club. If I take all my expenses over the last 3 years and divide it by all the hours flown, I end up with appx. $200-220/hr in cost.