Could some of your members please help i am looking to purchace a Cirrus SR22 but would like to work out some annual cost°of a typical 100-200 hours per years flight time including insurance
thank you very much waiting for your reply with great anticipation
Could some of your members please help i am looking to purchace a Cirrus SR22 but would like to work out some annual cost°of a typical 100-200 hours per years flight time including insurance
thank you very much waiting for your reply with great anticipation
Adam, I came up with about $117 per hour based on, 200 hours per year use.
(Hanger, Ins, annual insp, repair allowance, oil and fuel based on about where the cost is now.) This does not include all the extras (Arnav Eng-Mon, and Wx) etc. I’ll be interested to see others estimates.
Below is my estimate of costs for an SR20. We have not taken delivery yet so I can’t vouch for the long term accuracy of these figures but they seem reasonable based upon everything I have read. The bottom line is that if run like a 2 man club the buy in would be $125,000, the monthly dues would be $1225, and the hourly usage wet would be $62.75.
$/hr $/hr $/hr
Gas (11gph @ 3.00) 33.00
Oil (1/6qph @ 2.50) .50
Total gas & oil (individual out of pocket) 33.50 33.50
$/hr $/hr $/hr
Oil Change (200 @ 50 hr) 4.00
TBO (30000/(.85*2000)) 17.75
Prop (10000/(.85*2000)) 7.00
EHSI (100/200) .50
Total TBO Cost per hour (TBO reserves) 29.25 29.25
Total Variable Cost per hour 62.75
$/yr 1/2$/yr
Maint eng & airframe 6000.00
Maint avionics 4000.00
Total Maint Cost per yr 10000.00 5000.00
Annual 2000.00
Insurance 6000.00
Tie Down 3000.00
Registration 400.00
Total Fixed Cost per yr 11400.00 5700.00
Avionics (80000/10yr) 8000.00
Interior (15000/10yr) 1500.00
Paint (15000/10yr) 1500.00
Total Reserves per yr 11000.00 5500.00
Total expense per yr 32400.00 16200.00 81.00
Cost/month 2450.00 1225.00
Interest (250000*.05) (individual expense) 12500.00 6250.00
Grand total fixed cost per year 41900.00 20950.00
I calculate the costs as follows:
Fixed costs include my hangar (6000/year), Insurance (4200), annual inspection (1500).
Direct hourly costs include gas (43), Oil/oil changes/oil analysis (3), maint allowance (5 at least while the plane is in warranty) and engine overhaul allowance (14).
If you add them up the total cost for 100 hours/year is 182/hr. If you fly 200 hours/year then the cost would be 123.50/hour.
Obviously there may be other costs that arise.
Clearly owning an airplane is not cheap. It becomes more cost efficient the more you fly it. If you only fly 50 hours/year the fixed costs are prohibitive.
Jerry Seckler SR22 #063
Could some of your members please help i am looking to purchace a Cirrus SR22 but would like to work out some annual cost°of a typical 100-200 hours per years flight time including insurance
thank you very much waiting for your reply with great anticipation
Adam, I came up with about $117 per hour based on, 200 hours per year use.
(Hanger, Ins, annual insp, repair allowance, oil and fuel based on about where the cost is now.) This does not include all the extras (Arnav Eng-Mon, and Wx) etc. I’ll be interested to see others estimates.
I’d suggest adding to one’s estimate of operating costs an amount that represents “opportunity cost”
If one pays cash it’d be reasonable to assume they are missing the opportunity to earn 5% risk free in 10 year treasuries. If their plane is financed, they incur an interest cost of at least that amount if considered on an after tax basis (with business use)and more like 8% if there is no business use.