
Hot of the press…

For all of you interested in the FADEC system.

I hope Cirrus will get real busy soon because I want one on my bird.

Here is the hot poop.

–Cirrus is just finishing the SR-22 certification for the IO-550-N7B
Cirrus is being shipped their first experimental IOF-550-N7B today. 10.19.00.

Good news ah?

Have a great SR 2X day



Ill assume N7B is the electronic Ign.(FADEC)vertion of the IO550. This is great news .Any word on this for the SR20?Im # 259 and Id do just about anything to get my SR20 with an engine thats not from the stone age.

dan #259

For all of you interested in the FADEC system.

I hope Cirrus will get real busy soon because I want one on my bird.

Here is the hot poop.

–Cirrus is just finishing the SR-22 certification for the IO-550-N7B
Cirrus is being shipped their first experimental IOF-550-N7B today. 10.19.00.

Good news ah?

Have a great SR 2X day



Ill assume N7B is the electronic Ign.(FADEC)vertion of the IO550. This is great news .Any word on this for the SR20?Im # 259 and Id do just about anything to get my SR20 with an engine thats not from the stone age.

dan #259

Hello Dan,

I too agree with you that we are slowly coming out of the stone age. It has been slow…but it is working.

Step one was getting rid of the sheet metal, two was avionics, we still have too many anolog gauges and the next is the engine, Turbo intercooler, electronic ignition, tuned exhaust with rocket packs for short runways, what else, oh yes coffee dispenser already mixed off course, sure would not want to over work my hands.

Have a great Cirrus day.

PS HEF has an empty hangar waiting for a SR22, anyone interested?


When at Oskosh this year I asked the Continental Rep about FADEC for the SR20. He stated that the engine was “predrilled and prepped” for aftermarket ease of install of the Fadec Kit. The kit would run in the 8K range.

                     Don K.#177

When at Oskosh this year I asked the Continental Rep about FADEC for the SR20. He stated that the engine was “predrilled and prepped” for aftermarket ease of install of the Fadec Kit. The kit would run in the 8K range.

Don K.#177

Very interesting… must be a simple kit…Thanks
