Great training at M12 - come early!

As everyone knows, we have a lot of wonderful activities at Migration - educational seminars, a large tradeshow, COPA’s annual membership meeting, and wonderful social events/dinners. Traditionally, we kick things off on Thursday evening with COPA Cabana, our large (casual) cocktail party and its sumptuous hors d’oeuvres. This year, we’ve added two pre-Migration events that also take place on Thursday, Oct. 9th from 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m - “rust removal” flight training and an owner maintenance seminar. Here’s a brief description of each:

  • Rust Removal flight training - Admittedly, the title is a bit of a misnomer. You might not have any “rust” requiring removal! These training sessions are for anything you’d like to do. OK. Perhaps you’re new to flying a Cirrus and have some aircraft-specific questions. The CSIPs at Migration are some of the best in the country at addressing make/model-specific topics. Still taking the rough edges off your landings? M12 will be a great time to work on them. Or, perhaps, you’re working on your IR and would like to tap the deep knowledge available from an instructor cadre that focuses on Cirrus aircraft. Training for a Commercial pilot license? Maybe one of the instructors can smooth out your Lazy 8s so they’ll be recognizable by the Examiner… You can book as much time (by the hour) as you desire and train on virtually anything that requires sitting in the cockpit!
  • Owner Maintenance Seminar - We’re all pilots (or pilot wannabes). And, it’s generally accepted that knowing more about the inner workings of our aircraft, makes us safer pilots. To that end, our very own Roger Whittier (instrument-rated pilot, long-time COPA member, and A&P mechanic) will give an owner maintenance seminar tailored specifically for Migration and Cirrus pilots. It will have both classroom and hangar sessions. Although I don’t have Roger’s syllabus (he’s been busy giving CPPP classes), knowing him as I do, participants will get a lot of practical knowledge in a relatively short time. Roger’s seminar will be excellent for anyone wanting to look “under the hood” of their aircraft to make sure that all of the bits and pieces are where they belong. As owner/operators, there is a lot of PM that we can legally do on our own aircraft!
    The flight training instruction costs $100/hr. And, the Owner Maintenance seminar (all-day) costs $100/person. You can sign up for either via the M12 website during registration. Or, you can go back and modify your registration to include either of these optional activities. So, why not arrive a day early and take advantage of these unique Migration opportunities?


For all of those that want to see and first hand experience cowl removal, oil change, spark plug change or other tasks that just sound overwhelming, please consider attending. There are 32 things that are totally legal for owners to do. This class is about what you can do, how to do it and how to legally log it in your logbook using your signature and ratings. Totally empowering.

Due to popular demand, Roger’s Owner Maintenance is … closed! Yup! We’ve had 27 people sign up and were planning for only 15. While Roger may enlist a little help for the hangar portion of his class, currently he hasn’t been cloned. So, if you haven’t already signed up, you’re out of luck.

For the folks that have already signed up, here’s a map that you might find useful. While the initial classroom portion of Roger’s class is in the Henderson FBO, the hands-on portion will take place at a nearby hangar.

Craig, Roger,

Congratulations! This is great news.
