Electronic Guide for Migration 13 is LIVE!

The Migration Committee has published the electronic guide for M13. Like last year, we are using a product called guidebook which provide us the ability to provide an electronic program guide to our event. It contains all the information you will need to know about the migration. It allows us to update the information as things change and to send you message for late breaking information.

The guide is a work in progress as we will be adding more content as more exhibitors sigh up and provide us their information. The Sessions and Speakers are pretty final.

We recommend that ALL COPA MEMBERS install this event and review the information even if you are not able to attend.

We have put Graphic buttons on the most often viewed pages of our web site to give you the instructions to load it.

Let us know if you have any problems.

Click on this picture and just follow the simple steps.

John, can you post the hard link for iCopa users?

Yes, but this is another reason that iCOPA users should periodically view the COPA site with a browser. You are missing Calendar events, BLOGS and much much more.

But here is the link: https://guidebook.com/g/rivud7gb/

I thought it was already live, as I loaded the M13 Guidebook a couple weeks ago.

I was skeptical when it was announced for use last year but I have to say it worked very well and I am looking forward to using it this year. [Y]

I saw the Guidebook app used for the CPPP in Williamsport last month. I too am a skeptic of all theses electronic guide apps (which there are many…most completely useless) but the Guidebook is very well executed. Kudos to the COPA committee/members who went through the effort to find this one that works very well!

Thanks Mark and Gordon.

I did publish it a few weeks ago. It makes it easier to show the Migration Committee the data.

This year we decided to make the guide “Public” so it shows up in searches and we don’t have to try and teach attendees how to do the REDEEM code. Also gives our exhibitors a wider audience.

As Mark says there are many event apps on the market place. I selected Guidebook because of its simplicity, features, and also its licensing model.

Trip and Sherri decided to use it for CPPP and save $ in printing costs.

For those that have the APP for some time, keep checking the APP store for updates to the APP and stay on the latest version.

Guidebook just released a major update to their server software. We are still working through the challenges caused by the update.

So is that why it does not like my password from a previous use, won’t email me the form to reset it (even though it says it has), and doesn’t want me to create a new account.

Don’t check into this yet; let me do a few more attempts. Just wanted to let you know there may be some issues.

I did not have the password problem. Allowed me to log in on both my IPAD and Android phone.

Also check your junk mail folder for the emails.