Migration Program Guide is Live  (Download Now)

COPA Members and Vendors

This year, the Migration Chairman approached the IT committee with a request. In past years, Migration had a printed guide and it had to be produced weeks before the event. Of course being that early, there were changes and additions. There was also the problem of having a tool to communicate last minute notices and information to the attendees and exhibitors.

This year we are using a tool that is being used widely in industry for conventions. It is called Guidebook. AOPA and AEA have used it for their last conventions. See http://www.guidebook.com.

The migration committee has developed their guidebook for migration. It has now gone live. It features additional information about the migration. It can be updated in real-time and it allows the migration committee to send out NOTAMs to all attendees and exhibitors.

It also allows for attendees and exhibitors to network. You can connect. It also allows for attendees to take pictures and to share them with everyone.

We have produced an instruction sheet on how to install the guide and get the EVENT. See attached.

We have chosen to not make the event PUBLIC. So do not SEARCH for it in the guide. Use the REDEEM CODE COPAM12.

We have also produced a short video to help with installation (If you need it) and show some of the features.

We need everyone to install this on their Iphone/Ipad or Android Phone/tablet. If you have another device there is a mobile browser solution to view the content with some less features.

There is still information that will be added. Especially in the exhibitor/sponsor/advertiser area. Also some session rooms have not been defined. Also the bus schedules are still not firm.

Do this NOW. Do not wait till you get to Migration.

If you have problems with installation or find errors or bugs, reply to this thread or send email to migration@cirruspilots.org.

We hope everyone enjoys using this new tool and it enriches our Migration Experience. Don’t leave home without your GUIDEBOOK.

COPA Migration 12 Guidebook Installation Instructions - final.pdf (503 KB)


<deleted text about the guidebook server not responding. It’s working now>

For those with IOS or Android phones and tablets, you can put Guidebook on both devices.

If you create a guidebook account and log in on both, then your sessions settings and other connections, they sync between them.

Try out the CONNECTIONS feature. Create your connection card and find others to connect with.

Please load the Application and Event now. Don’t wait till the migration.


Like everything else in Migration, it’s all done with smoke and mirrors … and VOLUNTEERS. Going well beyond his role as IT Manager for COPA, John has both orchestrated and worked hard to implement our new electronic Guidebook. While there are still some rough edges to smooth out and additional seminar details to be added, with the new concept, we can (and will) make program changes electronically - you’ll get automatic updates. Plus, everyone on COPA can have a program guide whether they attend M12 or not! By implementing this approach, we now have a convenient mechanism for issuing event-related “NOTAMS” (e.g., The bus is going to leave earlier than scheduled from… Dinner is going to start at a different time. Dennis Haber is buying a round at the bar… just kidding Dennis!)

Rather than wait until the very last minute to release the M12 Guidebook, John and I wanted to have everyone download it early. We know there are still holes and things to be completed - bear with us. To some degree, this is an experiment. And, we wanted to “get cookin” a little early!



I have downloaded Guidebook. But I notice no ‘connected attendees’. Which is a surprise given how many are surely coming from the NY/NJ area.

You can come with me, and we can discuss politics during the trip.

Dennis, do you know if any of M12 will be available online via a webcast? I missed it last year (my wife had the nerve to have our child at that point) and wanted to see it. I am 50/50 if I can make it to this one, but would love to see the talks if I can’t make it. For what it is worth, I would be willing to even pay for it in the event there is a fee for COPA to stream it. I have been wanting to see the M11 safety talk by Rick Beach, but haven’t seen it yet as Rick has obviously been swamped with all the things we know he does 24/7. Side note, Rick I appreciate all you do for safety, so I think it is well worth not getting the video posted.

Hoping to make it in person. Anyone headed out there from the Southeast? I live in Charleston, but could always meet someone. Other plan might be to commercial it.

Hi, Ryan!

Although I’m not Dennis, I can answer your question. [:D] While we’re still looking at the value associated with “live streaming”, we will definitely record the Annual Meeting and Rick’s subsequent safety briefing for future viewing. It we don’t go live, the recording will be posted for viewing within a day or two after Migration - perhaps even before then…


Good Point Sanjay,

For the CONNECT part to work, attendees need to create an account and then fill out their connect card. I have connected with about 10 folks, but I hope more will do it soon. Better to learn and figure this out prior to leaving for migration.

Of course this is COPA and most members wait till the last minute to do things like REGISTER for Migration and such.

Thanks for downloading the guide.

Lets Connect.

John, Craig and the Whole Team,

Great job! I decided to simulate a “typical COPA member”: I didn’t read the instructions in detail, I didn’t follow the great YouTube description you posted the first time and I hit all the wrong buttons, expecting it to work. Worth noting is that the Apple store asked me to update my on-file CC number before I downloaded the Guidebook App, but I think that’s on my own innate laziness in not keeping things up to date. The location of the “Redeem Code” varies with platform, even within IOS platforms, I note; something downloaders should bear in mind.

The second time, I did what I was supposed to, read the instructions and it installed easy-peasy!

Now, here’s a question: When you talk about people “signing up” do you mean register with Guidebook or via another means? I think a number of folks will find it a little unclear where they are supposed to sing up/in.

Thanks again for making this happen,

Be safe and have fun,


Thanks for the feedback. I would have thought our Navy cadre would have follow instructions to the letter. I thought only us Army guys were Cowboys.

To directly answer your question. There are some features of Guidebook that require a Guidebook account. It is not tied to COPA. You can use other social accounts like google, linkin, twitter, etc.

If you create an account, then your personalized schedule is synced between devices and you can create business cards to CONNECT with fellow COPA attendees inside GUIDEBOOK.

I would have thought the COPA board would have been the first to CONNECT in guidebook, but I don’t see them there.

Maybe some PRES leadership is called for. :slight_smile:

But John,

If I link up with everyone, then they’ll know where to find me! [D]

That’ll come next,


I just downloaded the guidebook and set up my schedule. Great job; I’m sure this will be a great asset at Migration.




Great job! This will be soooooo much better than the printed program guide that always missed late additions and required daily Notams.

Thanks to you an Craig for making Migration better.


I have received one report that overseas members can not find the guidebook in the Apple Overseas store.

I contacted guidebook and they provided this work-around.

This is most likely a iTunes Store country setting issue. I would have your attendees try to search for it one more time before applying the following suggested changes.

Your attendees should log into their iTunes, then go to Settings> iTunes & App Stores > Apple ID: > View Apple ID> Country/Region. They can change their Country/Region to the United States and then re-search for the Guidebook App.

Once this change is applied, it will ask them to re-enter valid payment information. They should just re-enter their current payment information.

Afterwards, they can go back and re-set their Country/Region to its normal location.

So if you are in Canada or other countries, this is how you can get the APP on your IOS device.

Have gotten some questions about the CONNECTION function in Guidebook and about the Guidebook account.

Here is a help NOTE on the topic at Guidebook. I hope it helps. Make sure you mark yourself ATTENDING to be seen by other members in the APP.

I managed to download it from Australia without changing country settings.

We have previously been advised of Australia’s uber-advanced IT status. So no surprise there.

There is a new version of the GUIDEBOOK APP for IOS. Version 3.4. If you have your device set for manual updates, please go to APP Store and update your app.

Migration Attendees and Exhibitors,

Have you installed the guide on your smart phones? Don’t wait till you get to Las Vegas. Do it now!

You will want information that is in the guide before you arrive. The guide is also continually being updated with new late breaking information.

Instructions earlier in this thread.