E10 - The European Migration to Varna, Bulgaria

Dear Cirrus Pilot,

This is to give you an update on the 2012 European Migration to Varna, Black Sea, Bulgaria. At this time, we have already 75 attendees registered – this will be a fabulous event !

If you want to join us, register on the COPA website - Event Calendar - European Events.


The Bulgarian Black Sea

The Bulgarian Black Sea covers the entire eastern bound of Bulgaria, stretching from Romania in the north to Turkey in the south, along 378 km of coastline. White and golden sandy beaches occupy approximately 130 km of the southern coast. The area’s average air temperature in the summer is about 28°C, with the average water temperature at 26°C (but probably not yet in May), with more than 240 hours of sunshine in May.

The Balkan Mountains cross the country reaching to the edge of the Black Sea at Cape Emine, dividing the coastline into a southern and northern part. The northern coast, where we are going to, features rocky headlands where the sea abuts cliffs up to 70 meters in height, much less tourism, and beautiful sights. Varna is the third largest city in the country.

Cape Kaliakra is approximately 60 km north-east of Varna. Cape Kaliakra is one of the most beautiful and historic Capes in Europe. The fortress was succesively used by Tracians, Romans, Byzantines and Bulgarians. According to legends, the fortress was guarding the treasures of Lyzimah, successor of Alexander the Great. Today, the area is known as the “Signature Golf Coast”, featuring many golf courses, spas, natural treasures and wildlife.

Lighthouse Golf & Spa Resort, Cape Kaliakra, Black Sea

We have selected a beautiful hotel for you, the 5-Star Lighthouse Golf & Spa Resort in Balchik. We got special prices from € 100 (single), € 130 (double) to € 170 (suite), including breakfast and dinner. Please name “COPA” or “Cirrus” when making the reservation. Since Pentecoste is a holiday in most countries, many of us will have an extended long weekend (Monday included). And if you like, your stay can easily be extended if you let us know early enough.

Lighthouse Golf & Spa Resort offers a wide range of facilities and activities, such as a 18-hole Signature Golf Course, a Golf Academy, a 3.000 sqm Spa & Wellness Center, an exclusive beach with beach bar, a variety of bars and restaurants, and beautiful surroundings.

The hotel is of modern style, as you can see in the following pictures.

How to get to Varna (LBWN)

Although it’s a long stretch in a Cirrus (4.5 hours from Frankfurt in the SR22, and 5.5 hours in the SR20, with the typical westerly winds), the route itself is not very demanding – it basically follows the valley of the Danube river from Germany right to the destination. The destination airport at Varna is run by Fraport Twin Star Airport Management, the same company running the Frankfurt airport, and all typical resources (instrument approaches, long runways, parking facilities, Avgas etc) are available for a reasonable fee. To make it easier for those of you not wanting to fly the whole distance in one day, we will organize an overnight stop in Hungary, at scenic Lake Balaton, from Thursday evening to Friday morning. We will also have a flight planning room there and Flight Instructors available who will assist you in planning the leg from Hungary to the Black Sea. Also, we’ll have Flight Instructors available who will lead a fleet, or who will be available to ride with you, if desired. Same for the return flights, as desired.

The Program

The program will start at noon on Friday, May 25, with the arrival at the airport of Varna, Bulgaria, where we will be invited by the airport authorities into their VIP lounge for some drinks and snacks. After that, shuttle buses are available to bring you into the hotel.

After having been transferred into the hotel, we’ll rejoin in the evening for an informal get-together and dinner.

On Saturday, we’ll offer something for every taste: In the morning (9-12), we’ll present the highly recommended CDM Safety Course - Critical Decision Making. In parallel, for the non-pilots, we’ll offer the famous PIC Partner-in-Command course.

In the afternoon, we’ll explore the local area around the hotel or take advantage of the many activities the hotel offers - such as a 18-hole Signature Golf Course, a Golf Academy, a 3.000 sqm Spa & Wellness Center, an exclusive beach with beach bar, a variety of bars and restaurants, and beautiful surroundings.

Saturday Evening, we’ll have the traditional banquet for the whole Cirrus Family – a wonderful opportunity to socialize with friends, and friends to be made.


On Sunday, excursions to some more scenic points are planned. In addition, we might be able to offer a sail ship tour on the Black Sea. Or you explore the golf and spa facilities of the resort. Or you head out to the beach. And we are still working on some more ideas for Sunday.


The E10 Migration is already open for your registration on the COPA website (www.cirruspilots.org) or directly on Regonline as given on the front page of this invitation letter. Should you run into any difficulties while registering, please send an email to copaeurope@cirruspilots.org to learn about alternative ways for registration.

The nominal fee is Euro 245.00. Children up to and including 15 yrs will register for Euro 80.00. Cancellations are free until 21 days before the event because afterwards COPA is committed to the vendors. However, a “Protection” can be selected during registration which will allow you to retrieve your participation fee in case you need to cancel closer to the event.

Hotel reservation needs to be done through our handling agent in Sofia, CHRISS Air Ltd. – please mention “COPA” or “Cirrus” to get the special rate. Hotel rooms go from Euro 100.00 for a single room up to Euro 180 for a double suite. Please contact:

Ms. Dessislava Simeonova**
General Manager
19 “Patriarh Evtimii” Blvd.
1142 Sofia, Bulgaria
Tel.: +359 2 9815091; 9807589
Fax: +359 2 9815096
Mobile: +359 887 482492
e-mail:** simeonova.desislava@chrissair.com

We very much hope that this program finds your interest and that we’ll all meet in Bulgaria !!

As of today, we have more than 80 registrations, growing daily – so we hope to reach our goal again, the magic 100.

All preparations are running as planned. Due to the fact that we had to redo the website, we do not have a simple click for you where you can see who is already registered, so please send me an email if you need to know who already is registered.

Jeppesen has the following charts ready for your flight planning:

  •      SE EUR-1, 2011
  •      SE EUR-2, 2011
  •      SE EUR-6, 2011
  •      E(LO) 11/12, 5Apr12
  •      E(LO) 13/14, 15Dec11
  •      E(LO) 15, 5Apr12

In addition, the following Jeppesen charts may find your interest:

  •      LO (Austria), 2012
  •      SE EUR-3, 2011
  •      SE EUR-5, 2011

And attached you will also find the approach plates for Pecs and Varna (as of today – please check for updates before you go flying!).

As proposed in earlier emails, we will make an intermediate stop in Hungary available for you. Originally, the plan was to stop at the Balaton airport, but it looks like there will be no Avgas available, so we changed our plan and will now stop at Pecs, LHPP, still close to the Balaton. This stop will be sponsored by Cirrus Hungary. They have done an excellent job in planning this layover, thank you very much, Gyula Hamvai ! Please see their detailed planning in attached email.

For the Hungary stop, we need your input now: If you want to stop at LHPP, for the night May 24-25, please send me a short email with the following information:

  •      Aircraft call sign
  •      Number of people (total)
  •      Number of single and/or double rooms requested
  •      Approximate arrival time

Also, we have started working out possible routings to get to Pecs and Varna, VFR and IFR. For VFR, please note that eastern controllers like you to fly on airways – at least you should file them in your VFR flight. And flight plans are required because we’ll be flying internationally.

1000 ways will lead you to Rome, they say – maybe some less to Varna, but still there are plenty. We have developed the following routings as food for your thoughts:

**a) ** VFR – Austria to LHPP, Mountain Route 1

FRE – LNZ – L604 – GRZ – P978 – GOTAR – Z213 – PIDON – LHPP

**b) ** VFR – Austria to LHPP, Mountain Route 2


**c) ** VFR – Austria to LHPP, Flatland Route if Mountain Route is unavailable due to bad weather

FRE – MAISSAU – LZSE (Senica) – LZTR – JAN (Janovce) – VAMOG - GYR - SVR – LHPP

**d) ** IFR – Austria to LHPP

LNZ – L604 – GRZ – P978 – GOTAR – Z213 – PIDON – LHPP

**e) ** VFR – LHPP, Pecs to LBWN, Varna

LHPP – BABIT – T23 – TADAM – RUMAK – SUBOT – OBR – BARAV – POZ – OKLOP – M19 – ETIDA – T224 – GOL – N605 – TOTKA – T343 – WRN – LBWN

**f) ** IFR – LHPP, Pecs to LBWN, Varna

LHPP – BABIT – N739 – BEO – N739 – OKLOP – M19 – ETIDA – T224 – GOL – N605 – TOTKA – T343 – WRN – LBWN

For those of you flying direct to Varna, parts of above routes may come handy, but since we do not know your origin nor your plans about sightseeing enroute, individual flight planning will rest with you.

In case somebody comes up with better routings, please let us know so that we can distribute to the rest of the group.

So far for today ! Enjoy your flight planning, which is always a fun part of flying. And let me know about any questions you may have.

Wishing you a wonderful spring and a safe trip to Hu

This is the additional program for those who would like to make a stop on the way to Varna.

Cirrus Hungary organizes the overnight stop in Pécs, Hungary.


Pécs is the fifth largest city of Hungary with a population of 150000, located on the slopes of the Mecsek mountains in the south-west of the country, close to its border with Croatia. It is the administrative and economical centre of Baranya county. Pécs is also the seat of Roman Catholic Diocese of Pécs.

The city was founded by Romans at the beginning of the 2nd century, on an area peopled by Celts and Pannoni tribes. By the 4th century it became the capital of Valeria province and a significant early Christian center. The early Christian necropolis is from this era which became an UNESCO World Heritage Site in December 2000.

The airport


Located 8km south of the centre of Pécs, this International Airport has customs already organized for the event. ILS and NDB approaches are available for IFR pilots.

The new terminal was built in 2006 and serves the recreational flyers beside the few business and charter flights. Fancy and very friendly airport.

Upon arrival to the Airport, a light welcome lunch will be served for the participants, to introduce and taste a bit of the well-known Hungarian Cousine.

A shuttle bus will be available to take people to the hotel, and runs regularly.

**The Hotel **

Corso Hotel Pécs**** is in direct connection with the historical city centre and the Pécs Knowledge Centre. The building features zsolnay ceramics and its restaurant offers a wide variety of traditional, regional and trend following dishes.

Rooms with no pre-booking fee required will be reserved and available for us. Rates start from 96€ for a single and 120€ for double rooms. You can choose the kind of room that best fits your needs!! It is favourable in case someone might land at a different airport, or just happen to miss us for other unforeseen reasons.

**The Program **

Afternoon program is to visit the Zsolnay Cultural District built around the world famous Zsolnay Porcelán Factory. There will be many running programs, festivals, so everyone can find his/her interest, moreover a special live concert – Highlights of Hungarian folk music – will be performed uniquely for COPA.

As a closure to the organized program, visit (by bus) to the nearby Misina hilltop to have a look at the scenic sunset over the country, while tasting a glass of good Hungarian Villányi wine.

The bus will bring everyone back to the hotel for the dinner, then people are free to walk in the historic town-centre for the remaining of the night.

Next day, after breakfast gathering in the hall, the shuttle bus will take us back to the airport to prepare for the remaining trip to Varna.

For further information and questions please contact


+36 302980258

Wishing you nice weather and welcome to Hungary!

Gyula Hamvai

Your host in Hungary

Wow Timm, looks great again. Would love to come, but cannot confirm yet… :frowning:

Just a quick tip: file to TOTKA, not to WRN as this is not accepted by Brussels…

BABIT N739 BEO N739 OKLOP M19 ETIDA T224 GOL N605 TOTKA is accepted, as long as you are FL100 or above


Thank you, Arnoud!


Wow, Timm! I didn’t realize that you all were going to get to E10 before we get to M10 over here! That is awesome! And looks like a wonderful location! Kudos to you and your assistants! You’ve organized all of the E’s haven’t you?

Thanks for all of your support for COPA!

The first 3 airplanes have arrived in Pecs, Hungary, which is our overnight stop for E10 in Varna, Bulgaria, at the Black Sea.

The 2012 European COPA

E10 "E"migration is officially on !!

More pictures to come soon.

More arrivals in Pecs. And a healthyHungarian Goulash lunch. And a visit to the local culture center with a wonderful Hungarian recital. And a wine tasting. Then dinner. Then to bed…

Tomorrow we’ll fly the rest of the trip to Varna.

Some pictures from Pecs

COPA E10 got Bulgaran News Coverage !

See this link: http://tv7.bg/news/society/9318112.html


Superb! I never knew you spoke such good Bulgarian, Timm [;)]

Approaching Varna LBWN out of the clouds, on the ILS 09.

Refueling in the downpour

Our local host and agent, Dessy from ChrissAir

Hey, Andy! How’d we let the EU contingent get ahead of us? [:D]

Timm, again, that looks like a wonderful location and thank you for planning E_ for so long!

Safe travels for all home. And hope the remaining hours of E10 go well!

Timm’s Bulgarian is even better than ThomasB’s English.

Congratulations, Timm, on pulling together what seems like another envy-inducing European COPA event! (It’s hard to believe that someone with only 800-some forum posts can play such a constructive role. Sans political commentary.)

Well, the TV station (and some radio and print reporters) came as a surprise. The Varna airport is so proud to have us that they called all press around. Airport staff was excellent, controllers were superb. We had 12 airplanes flying out of Pecs, Hungary, all at the same time, same routing, but different altitudes, most of us in IMC most of the time (except for some turbos who climbed up to FL190 and skimmed the tops). These 12 planes plus some more Cirri flying in from other places arrived over Varna within 30-40 minutes, got all sequenced on the ILS 09, mixed with some commercial arrivals, and landed with winds out of 360/10 gusting 20, in rain. Everybody got soaked while deplaning, but everybody was in splendid mood, too!

Below you can see our routing from Hungary to Varna / Bulgaria as plotted by my SPOT transmitter.

8424.Bildschirmfoto 2012-05-26 um 18.12.32.png

Hello to all in Varna!

It hurts a little bit to see you there and sitting in Croatia, but it was not save to try a VFR trip through the balkan on friday. Hope you all have some nice days and we’ll try to see you next year!

Have a save trip home!!!



Be safe…and enjoy the unexpected stop.



Jim / Heiko not sure on the previous two posts reference Croatia and unexpected stop, did I miss something?

I sadly also had to cancel my trip to be in Varna from the UK, looks like the weather has hung around and still not very nice.


H is a bit of a jokester so I’m wondering if he

  1. is pulling my leg.

  2. is lost…

  3. never left Germany to begin with…

Heiko and his family spent a couple of vacation days in Croatia before E10, and had planned to fly from LDZD to LBWN to join the group. Unfortunately, the weather on the way to Varna was not VFR, so he decided to stay in Zadar. With the exception of one pilot, who got through VFR from Austria, all VFR pilots had to cancel E10. What a pity!

However, during the CDM course in Varna, everybody applauded the decision of our VFR pilots. We had bad weather flying into Varna (low ceilings, rain, ice, and thunderstorms), and we had the same bad weather on the way home today. That was hard IFR work to get in and out. Seeing COPA members cancel for this reason is CDM at it’s best. Hats off !!!

I’ll post some more pictures from E10 tomorrow - it was a GREAT event, and we had lots of fun. But weather wise, there was room for improvement.

Now this:

Yesterday, we visited a fantastic museum in Varna, with lots of archeological pieces from excavations. When I saw above sculpture, I thought “haven’t I met met this guy on COPA lately?” [;)][:P]
