We are happy to see that so many attendees are booked already for Venice and Rome. As of now, we already have 60 registrants for Rome, that’s a lot so early in the year. Looking for 100, of course. While the hotel booking for Rome is easy - just follow the links on our website - for Venice it’s a little different.
For the hotel booking in Venice, please note that there are a lot of smaller hotels but no big one so that we have to split the group in any case. We therefore decided that each attendee will book their own hotel under the condition that it is not farther away from Rialto Bridge than 10 minutes walking distance. Please book for the night May 30/31 for the regular stay - if you want to arrive in Venice earlier, of course your booking details may differ. The group will be in Venice May 30/31, though.
As an example, Gerda and Timm are booked into the Foscari Palace Hotel (don’t get too excited, any small cabin in Venice is called Palazzo), **Cannaregio 4200/1/2 (Campo Santa Sofia), Venice. **I you book in a similar area, we can easily regroup. See below map. While COPA has 2 un-assigned extra rooms booked in Venice for late-comers or in case of booking problems, we rather prefer you booking yourself.
The easiest way to find a hotel in Venice is via booking.com, HRS, or any other hotel booking website. For a 4-star hotel, a night might exceed Euro 200.00 for a double room, but you can go for bargains as well.
We’ll arrange for transport from the Lido airport to Venice on May 30, and back on May 31. Stay tuned!
All the best,
Timm + Gerda