E10 - The European Migration to Varna, Bulgaria

Understand now, I looked at the weather on your route this morning and could see without doubt how challenging it would have been.

Separated at birth?


Congratulations on another fantastic event. I’m so sorry I couldn’t make it this year.

Really X country. Wonderful event, though the weather was challenging on departure… Good comrade- and airmanship got us all out of there safely on our (long) flights home. Kudo’s to Timm and associates for making this E10 a memorable success. Flying over these former totalitarian states In Eastern Europe adds a special touch to this XC experience!

Good show!
Han Klinkspoor
SR22TN. N145PM

I just received below email from Dessy, our agent in Varna. Can you believe it? I don’t remember any COPA event having such a publicity in the local media. Cirrus and COPA al over the place. Probably the biggest GA event they had at Varna for years (or ever).

Здравей Деси,

Изпращам снимки от 25 май и някои публикации в медиите


















Tim thats ammazing, they appreciated the business !!

Because my Bugarian is a bit rusty can you tell me how many Cirrus Aircraft made Varna?

My only consolation for not being able to make it is that the weather has been exceptional in the UK, clear blue sky and sunshine, we are enjoying it while it lasts.

Google Translate, got to love it, so was 28 accurate? good effort to everyone who made it.

28 private airplane from American brand “Cirrus” landed in the holidays in our new runway of the airport. Sea capital was chosen to host the 10th annual meeting of Sora (World Association of owners and pilots of aircraft, “Cirrus”). Expected to come to 50 airplanes, but arrived a little more than half because of bad weather. A couple came by car from Bucharest because of difficult weather conditions for flying. World Association of “Cirrus” has 5,000 members and 1,000 of them are in Europe, said on arrival at the airport director Tim Proyser her. He was personally greeted by the head of the airport Dimitar Kostadinov. Not necessarily the owners of “Cirrus” to be rich, but not necessarily that they are businessmen who can quickly travel to do their jobs, said the head of the association. A 200-250 aircraft worth thousand, much more than a car, but with it within two days you can fly to Paris, Milan or anywhere businessman should arrive on time. Pilots and owners of “Cirrus”, which must make one meeting a year to see and enjoy. For the 50th anniversary meeting they chose Varna. Their itinerary included Balchik and cape. The ladies gasped straight to the palace of the former Romanian Queen in Balchik: roses so different and so different smell, not saved, they delight. Yesterday they walk continue to Aladja and regional historical museum in Varna visit to see gold treasure of Panagyurishte said Desislava Simeonova “Chris Air.” Businessmen remained fascinated by Varna.
Aircraft number 241 is the first PC “Cirrus”, which has flown around the world. His two drivers and Marcus Hengelo Aynim Stiff are Germans. “Cirrus” can fly 2,000 kilometers without landing.But travelers circumnavigation of the world of wings removed the rear seats to load extra fuel and air to pass 3000 km. The average speed of samoletcheto is 300 km / h, and the new turbo models fly at 400 km / h
Melita Marinova

Ferrari’s and Jets!

Timm, you need to repost in the Jets, Jets, Jets section!

http://www.bulphoto.com/events/28984/, translated by Google Translate

Ferraris Fifteen air landed at Varna airport
Members of World Association club owners and pilots of aircraft Cirrus (COPA) arrived at Varna. The club has over 3,000 members from around the world and make trips round the world with small planes. With Chris Air and kindly hosted by the Varna airport, nearly 100 participants arrived with their private jets to get through a few interesting days following the program, rich in training and while visiting the most beautiful places in Varna and the region. Participants came from different European countries and the first visit the Bulgarian Black Sea coast.


Yesterday, after our long 1000 NM flight home, fighting ice and dodging thunderstorms, I was too tired to sit down and post photos of E10. Today I made a small selection and I hope you’ll all enjoy them. Titles are below the piccies.

Pecs, LHPP, our intermediate overnight stop, on departure morning, May 25.

Gerda running the checklist on the PFD - cool R9 feature !

Enroute from Hungary via Serbia to Bulgaria. (The mountains to the left of course are Transsylvania, Frankenstein’s place).

Intercepting ILS09 at LBWN, Varna, Black Sea.

On localizer, on glideslope.

Forklifts brings 3 heavy cast iron plates to each parking position, to tie down the planes

Charming Dessy from ChrissAir welcomes the Cirrus fleet

Captain Ted Murray flew his Cirrus in from the UK

A very happy Timm - all planes have arrived safely from Pecs. More to come later that evening (and tomorrow).

Press Conference

The Lighthouse Golf Resort - our base for the next 3 days

The COPA E10 check-in desk

Saturday, 9-12 am - Critical Decision Making. A big applause to the VFR pilots who all cancelled

because of weather. We missed you, guys and gals, but hats off to your decision making !!


Partner in Command course - Saturday 9 - 12 am

Saturday afternoon - our first excursion - the Botanical Garden

Botanical Garden tour

Botanical Garden tour

Botanical Garden tour

Cape Kaliakra

The Banquet starts - finally !

On behalf of COPA, Timm and Gerda present thank you presents to Dessislava Simeonova,

Gyula Hamvai, and Antoaneta Neuschaefer for their outstanding support and effort. Well done,

my dear E10 team !


The big party is just starting

The heat is on !

On the dance floor

British Aristocrat #1

British aristocrat #2

Sunday, 10 am - bus tour to Varna - most of the gang still half asleep

The rock monestary

The rock monestary


The Varna Cathedral

Archeological Museum

Archeological Museum - the oldest gold known, worldwide

Weather and Flight Planning for tomorrow. Not looking good, seriously.

Weather and Flight Planning for tomorrow’s return flight.

Weather and Flight Planning for tomorrow. Can we squeeze between terrain and freezing level?


On the way to the airport

Loading the aircraft, in the rain

Check fuel, drain, check oil, remove tie downs, walk-around - the pilots get soaked


After 1 hour of flight - still in the murk - but no ice at minus 5 degrees / 12.000 ft. Flight conditions

are being relayed on company frequency 123.45 every 5 - 10 minutes.

Finally - after 2 hours of flight we are in the clear.


Fuel stop and customs clearance at Pecs. And final bye bye - no our ways part.

Cirrus Hungary brought fruit and lunch packages to Pecs. And soft drinks. And TKS and oil.

And an oxygen refill station. Thank you, again, Gyula !!

Dodging thunderstorms on the way through Austria. Remaining VMC all time.

Overflying the Mercedes-Benz test center at Boxberg

Curt, we missed you !! [:P]

hello all comrades

first a huge thanks to Dr Timm who once again played a blinder in every aspect from TV interviews, overall organisation and helping gel the social life. My wife has attended Gerda’s partner in command before and said emphatically - the best yet. full of serious stuff tinged with humour - well done Gerda

I am still travelling - went to Dubrovnik first and was vectored into a thunderstorm. As ATC asked if I could still see the runway (and was cleared VFR) two claps of lightning went close past the port wing. rather upset my ‘controlled’ 180!!

anyway landed OK

The storms have been ever present - we made it to Cannes a couple of days ago and it was the worst visibility I have ever seen there

for the record Brit Aristocrat no1 Simon ( btw Tim despite the Queen’s Jubilee none of us Brits think of ourselves as aristocrats but I know what you mean - ‘serious British pilot at play’) is a serious finance man in the City but was objecting to the playing of Boney M Euro pop - and decided to do a handstand in protest - perhaps the German Finance minister could do the same with Greece. For my part (Aristocrat no 2) with the knotted handkerchief I was returning to my spiritual home of monty python (A R Gumby for cognoscentii)

Sorry the weather was so forbidding - The VFR contingent just had to call it a day but they will have their day next I hope -I echo Timm’s applauding their decisions

We stayed one more day at Varna and, FWIW, on the day most left, at the hotel we couldn’t see the other side of the pool

Well done all for a happy and enjoyable event despite all (pity the hotel staff prevented us from taking the conga into the kitchens but hey you cant have everything)

John Murray