I spoke with a Cirrus rep. today concerning the latest “scoop” on when I could get my airplane as I am exhibiting serious (pronounced “Cirrus” down here in the south) airplane withdrawal symptoms. I yell at my wife who tells me to go fly a #@#@, my response is I would fly anything right now if I had one. Not much more sympathy out of my son and the dog is to big to kick.
Anyway, my contract number is #333. I was told that worst case they would deliver 100 airplanes this year. They are holding fast to the notion of 20 to 25 airplanes a day by the years end. This would put me realistically in the air by mid-June or again worst case by August 2001.
Since I sold my Bonanza I have been religated to rental clap-trap 172’s and have about had it. In the last one the turn/bank indicator was useful only for initiating a spiral dive. Somebody stole the big plug receptacle for using headsets leaving only the small plug and the windshield was so crazed that trying to land to the west after 4:00 PM was like being in a total whiteout snow storm.
I had to vent to somebody and hope this bit of information makes up for the belly-aching.
Maybe that Cirrus rep could tell us who is going to win the super bowl! At #333 you have been around long enough to know that what they rumor and what they do are two diffrent things. I hate to bring you down cirrus buddy but I want mine right not rushed.Cirrus has now set a conservitive delv schedule and are meeting or beating it,but to schedule planes in terms of years is not a responsable thing to do. To all the Cirrus employees who read this site, dont let us well to do cry babys make you feel like your not doing a great job. As position holders we piss and moan but will wait if it entails not having to use the chute! In closing if you think 1 year is a long time you should try and wait the last 3 months, its a bitch!!! Tell the Wife, son and dog Hi…ed #61,#323
I spoke with a Cirrus rep. today concerning the latest “scoop” on when I could get my airplane as I am exhibiting serious (pronounced “Cirrus” down here in the south) airplane withdrawal symptoms. I yell at my wife who tells me to go fly a #@#@, my response is I would fly anything right now if I had one. Not much more sympathy out of my son and the dog is to big to kick.
Anyway, my contract number is #333. I was told that worst case they would deliver 100 airplanes this year. They are holding fast to the notion of 20 to 25 airplanes a day by the years end. This would put me realistically in the air by mid-June or again worst case by August 2001.
Since I sold my Bonanza I have been religated to rental clap-trap 172’s and have about had it. In the last one the turn/bank indicator was useful only for initiating a spiral dive. Somebody stole the big plug receptacle for using headsets leaving only the small plug and the windshield was so crazed that trying to land to the west after 4:00 PM was like being in a total whiteout snow storm.
I had to vent to somebody and hope this bit of information makes up for the belly-aching.
Ed, you are skeptical of this claim? I am shocked by your lack of faith!
They are holding fast to the notion of 20 to 25 airplanes a day by the years end.>
Maybe that Cirrus rep could tell us who is going to win the super bowl! At #333 you have been around long enough to know that what they rumor and what they do are two diffrent things. I hate to bring you down cirrus buddy but I want mine right not rushed.Cirrus has now set a conservitive delv schedule and are meeting or beating it,but to schedule planes in terms of years is not a responsable thing to do. To all the Cirrus employees who read this site, dont let us well to do cry babys make you feel like your not doing a great job. As position holders we piss and moan but will wait if it entails not having to use the chute! In closing if you think 1 year is a long time you should try and wait the last 3 months, its a bitch!!! Tell the Wife, son and dog Hi…ed #61,#323
I spoke with a Cirrus rep. today concerning the latest “scoop” on when I could get my airplane as I am exhibiting serious (pronounced “Cirrus” down here in the south) airplane withdrawal symptoms. I yell at my wife who tells me to go fly a #@#@, my response is I would fly anything right now if I had one. Not much more sympathy out of my son and the dog is to big to kick.
Anyway, my contract number is #333. I was told that worst case they would deliver 100 airplanes this year. They are holding fast to the notion of 20 to 25 airplanes a day by the years end. This would put me realistically in the air by mid-June or again worst case by August 2001.
Since I sold my Bonanza I have been religated to rental clap-trap 172’s and have about had it. In the last one the turn/bank indicator was useful only for initiating a spiral dive. Somebody stole the big plug receptacle for using headsets leaving only the small plug and the windshield was so crazed that trying to land to the west after 4:00 PM was like being in a total whiteout snow storm.
I had to vent to somebody and hope this bit of information makes up for the belly-aching.
I stand corrected! That was 20-25 per month.
I agree a correctly built airplane is paramount. My phone call to Cirrus was not to gripe or complain about delivery times but to try and make a decision on whether to buy some type of older 30K to 50K wonder plane to have something remotely trustworthy to fly till my SR20 came and then sell it at a probable loss as the delivery date drew closer. (I have never bought an airplane that I did not have to spend a certain amount of money on even with a pre-purchase inspection)
As far as being a crybaby goes I do my share but I didn’t to Cirrus. The well-to-do part doesn’t apply. I build houses for a living. I have never owned an airplane worth more than 90K and even this was financed to the max. I am just an airplane junky, thats all.
Ed, you are skeptical of this claim? I am shocked by your lack of faith!
They are holding fast to the notion of 20 to 25 airplanes a day by the years end.>

I don’t care if do 20 to 25 airplanes a day or an hour. Just deliver number 69 and I will go away flying.
I am finding out that number 69 along with a bunch of others are scheduled for September 15th this YEAR (Yes 2000). If that turns out to be the date, we can have a party of 10-20 Cirrus owners (by then) in Duluth. I will buy the drinks.
There, I am not that cheap after all.
Ed, you are skeptical of this claim? I am shocked by your lack of faith!
They are holding fast to the notion of 20 to 25 airplanes a day by the years end.>

Faith does not go 160knots! Are you sure they dont mean 2 to 2.5 airplanes a day? at 20 a day that is 7020 airplanes a year 365x20=7120.O.K. take the weekends off and you get 260x20=5200 planes a year. Skeptical maybe but look at the numbers!And yes there is an easter bunny…Ed
I’m glad everybody is so good at math — at 20 to 25 airplanes per day and a 100 by the end of the year – #333 would roll of the line within the first ten days of 2001. If the 20 - 25 airplanes are per month (which goes along with about 1 airplane per day as Cirrus has been claiming, hoping etc.) then that would put #333 in the July to Aug time frame depending on how many airplanes are completed this year.
Ed, you are skeptical of this claim? I am shocked by your lack of faith!
They are holding fast to the notion of 20 to 25 airplanes a day by the years end.>

Faith does not go 160knots! Are you sure they dont mean 2 to 2.5 airplanes a day? at 20 a day that is 7020 airplanes a year 365x20=7120.O.K. take the weekends off and you get 260x20=5200 planes a year. Skeptical maybe but look at the numbers!And yes there is an easter bunny…Ed