COPA Migration 2021 | September 23-26th KSDL

Traditionally the dress is more formal for the Saturday night dinner.

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Thanks Mason and Gordon. Ah! Now I see it on the Saturday agenda. :+1:

You people wake up early! 7:00 am breakfast.

Depending where you work, shorts and flip flops are most definitely Biz casual. Certainly true in our SF office.

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I went digging for it earlier today so I knew what to pack for the trip. All shorts and one pair of pants for a few hours on Saturday.

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My wife is concerned. She fractured her ankle about a week ago and it’s still a black and blue stump. Says she may have to go barefoot with black toes. Hope she doesn’t get kicked out! :grinning:

So you’re doing shorts for the Thursday night deal?

I’m not going to make that one, have some local friends to visit with that evening, will likely be in a swimsuit around then.

Also, that Thursday event doesn’t say anything about dress on it like the Saturday one does.

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Thursday’s COPA Cabana social is casual and outdoor. Shorts are fine.

Saturday‘s banquet is business, cocktail, or business casual. No shorts please.

Let’s have fun this week at our first Migration in two years!


Years past, shorts were appropriate at all but the final night…

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Jackets or no jackets on Saturday night?

Up to you!

After a year and a half of no jackets I’m bringing one!


I believe there is an error in the NOTCP. The front page states ARR & DEP procedures are in effect from (CDT).

IIRC Scottsdale is on MST, which is 2 hours behind CDT.

Also, the Unicom frequency is listed, but Ross says they use the ARINC 129.7.

Looking forward to kicking things off at the Cabana!

Any plans for tonight? I’m in the hotel already.

Is the maintenance class tomorrow at the hotel or at the airport? I thought I saw a post saying at the airport it the agenda shows it Kierland 1 which I assume is a conference room

I’ll be arriving 1230-1 to the hotel and just wondering how to join late

What’s the Zoho “thing” I’m assuming an agenda app but don’t see any info on where to get or how to use

Sorry if these answered already

I’m settled in at the hotel. If anyone is up for drinks or dinner at the hotel bar or restaurant tonight, text me at:

(678) 687-8192

I’m thinking grabbing a table for dinner at 7, but open to other ideas!

Good evening Kevin-

The classroom portion of Roger’s maintenance class precedes the airport session and will be held in the Kierland 1 meeting room beginning at 11:00am tomorrow.

With regards to joining late, it’s best to send Roger a private message @Roger_Whittier.

Zoho is the event hosting software platform we are using for Migration this year, event details can be accessed through our website at COPA Migration 2021 or via the Zoho Attendee App:

Use your same registration email to login to the Zoho app.

Done and dusted!

Thank you

For those wondering Roger said the class starts at the hotel and will go to the airport after lunch around 3pm ish

And Zoho is just a phone version of the migration website

Traditionally the dress is more formal for the Saturday night dinner.