COPA Migration 2021 | September 23-26th KSDL

Will you be bringing any cheese?:smile:


Ah….Scott D will need to include your whereabouts and activities in his smoke predictions……

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Yes, arriving PHX at 17:00 Local - via SWA

My wife (Melissa) and I are scheduled to arrive PHX at 5:17 PM Wednesday. We’re looking forward to meeting everyone.


Got BlueMAX? +1

Just follow the line of Cirri. Too bad there won’t be a formation arrival. C2M?


Maybe Avidyne will auction off a deal to change your warranty with Extant to unlimited service direct from NexAir.

For those flying in big iron and worried about being chastised, perhaps we can make it at least appear that you arrived in a Cirrus by picking you up at PHX and shuttling you over to SDL in Cirri. :sunglasses:


Thanks! We’ll be at Gate B20. Don’t forget our bags.

; )


Heck, bring your parachutes and I’ll just let you jump out of the plane over the resort. :rofl:

Signature has hanger space for those that care (Ross told me no).

How many planes are they going to have parking space for (ramp/pavement/outside)?

Migration notice to cirrus pilots has been posted here:


I am still looking for any suggestions/offerings or NOTAMS for those of us coming commercial to PHX.

I am a big boy, and I can certainly come up with a way to get there… simply interested in any G2 that may be available



Being a local to the area I would say Uber or Lyft are your best bet. See you there.

Chatted with the FBO they didn’t mention any limits, Erik may know of those. However they did say that they appreciate anyone flying in to let them know expected arrival & departure for their planning purposes.

They/we have planned for 200+ cirrus to arrive.

They have multiple ramp locations around the airport they can park us.

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Are people wearing shorts and sandals to the social function, or is it more of a dress up thing? With these temps I’m going to wanna go light as possible.

Looking on the zoho website it mentions no shorts for a few of the social functions.


That’s the registration site for the event. Has the sessions and social agenda on it. Where you paid for your ticket.

Here’s a quote from some of the social events…

" Business, Cocktail, or Business Casual are all acceptable attire – no shorts or athletic attire please"