COPA Migration 2021 | September 23-26th KSDL

COPA Migration 2021 | September 23-26th KSDL

Register Today

Date: 2021-09-23T07:00:00Z2021-09-26T07:00:00Z
Location: Scottsdale, AZ | Westin Kierland Resort & Spa
Airport: KSDL | Ross Aviation
Click Here to Register!


The Westin Kierland is an amazing resort! I can’t wait to return.

Vicki and I will be flying to KSDL in our G2, We plan to spend Wednesday night somewhere near ABQ and then complete the trip early on Thursday Morning. I have heard the VFR traffic can be a challenge so I plan to file IFR, hoping that I can get right in. Is that a “thing” or am I kidding myself?

SDL is a busy airport. IFR might help a little for someone unfamiliar with the airspace, although I have never had an issue VFR. SDL is supposed to be the busiest one runway airport in the nation. They have a high percentage of jets too. Tower is very competent. You will not have any issues. Easy cheesy.

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I may be solo from the West (KSTS, Santa Rosa) if anyone is looking for a ride etc…

After navigating our way onto the ground, what is the best option for parking/tie down? We too will be coming from NorCal and looking forward to out first migration…

Our event Parking will be at Ross Aviation.

ATC will know.

More details will be released as we get closer


For suggestion box…. Can Roger’s maint class start later? 10a on first day—when not from area or not flying in on Wed—is nearly impossible. Even from CA I’d need to get the fam up and out before sun-up to have a chance of making it.

Can it not start later on Th…?


Not a problem for me to start later. I will speak with Erik, there may be conflicts I am not aware of.



We are going to slide the start by an hour. Not sure how much that helps you but it is a 6 hour class and we need to finish in time for the class attendees to get cleaned up so they can attend the COPA Cabana party.

It is only an hour but I hope that helps. Hope to see you there.


In the Arizona heat, they might need two showers! :sweat_drops: :sweat_drops: :sweat_drops:



This is great, hoping it helps others as well. Registered and ready!

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That would be in Florida heat. In Arizona heat it’s the opposite: you need to moisturize!



Is the full schedule posted?
I’m sure it’s posted somewhere… just can’t find it.

Here it is:

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Is there an APP this year?
It appears that Roger’s maintenance class will be at the HOTEL - I thought he was going to be at the airport? I appear to have it incorrect.


There is an app but it’s a little different(trying to make things easier, more streamlined) this year. One vendor for ticketing, website, and app vs separate in the past.

You can download it here for iOS

You can download it here from Google play

Or search “Zoho Backstage for attendees”

An email to attendees will be going out to share this info. But your welcome to download and sign in now.

Yes the class is currently scheduled classroom work at the hotel, with a trip to the airport for some “lab work” this may change depending on the final number of attendees.

Thanks for the clarification…
Looking forward to seeing everyone - been too damn long in isolation.

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Re the number of attendees…. Are you able to share the ttl # of attendees to date? Are you able to share with us who is attending? It’d be nice to see how many ppl we converse with on COPA but have yet to personally meet.
