REGISTRATION IS OPEN-COPA’s 15th Annual North American Migration, September 14-17, 2017, Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center, Nashville, TN


This year’s Migration is being held at the incredible Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center in Nashville, Music City USA. The Gaylord offers an extraordinary selection of dining, shopping and recreation options accented by more than nine acres of indoor gardens and sparkling waterways. The lush 4.5 acre Delta Atrium is home to a quarter-mile-long indoor river with flatboats, and the Cascades Atrium lives up to its name with soaring twin waterfalls and the Garden Conservatory offers a botanical wonderland of meandering paths and peaceful streams.

Your Migration Committee has been hard at work making sure that COPA’s 15th Annual Migration will be an incredibly enjoyable immersive COPA experience! COME ONE, COME ALL to drink from the COPA Firehose:

  • Social: Thursday Evening will begin with our usual COPA Cabana, a festive cocktail Party at Waters Edge in the Delta Atrium where you can renew old friendships and make new ones.
  • Annual Meeting: Friday morning will start with our annual board meeting where you can come and hear the Board report on COPA’s operations and vote for board members. We then have several plenary presentations before breaking out in our typical sessions:
    • Historical CAPS Presentation: Following the Annual Meeting, Dale Klapmeier, the CEO of Cirrus Design, Paul Johnston, Chief engineer, and Gary Black will present a historical CAPS Overview followed by an update on the Scott Anderson Leadership Foundation
    • Safety Stand Down: Rick Beach will provide an update of his outstanding Safety Stand down, an overview of trends in Cirrus safety.
    • Command And Control: Trip Taylor, COPA’s Chief Trainer, will make an encore presentation of his excellent Command and Control with some new twists and turns!
  • **Sessions: ** The Migration Committee turned the Session Planning over to COPA U to develop an outstanding Session curriculum. And COPA U did not disappoint, with dual tracks on Friday afternoon and all day Saturday. You won’t want to miss out on these education filled sessions.
  • Tradeshow: The Tradeshow just keeps getting better and better. Sold out for two years in a row, we attract vendors of the latest and greatest Cirrus gear and gadgets. And don’t forget to bring your shopping list for the Cirrus Store!Spouses Program: For those wanting a break from the COPA immersion, we are offering The General Jackson Showboat midday Cruise . It boasts four massive decks, a mouthwatering southern-style meal along with dynamic live entertainment in the beautiful two-story Victorian Theater.
  • VIP Room: And speaking of breaks, this year we are offering Attendees a VIP break room with light snacks and staffed by a Destination Nashville Concierge to assist you in any offsite excursions you may wish to investigate.
  • Saturday Banquet: This year’s banquet will be held in the Governors Ballroom where we will start the evening with a presentation of the Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award, the most prestigious award the FAA issues to pilots certified under Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 61, to our own Dr. Jerrold Seckler, honoring him for his fifty years of GA flying. Following our dinner, we are honored to have Astronaut and Cirrus Driver Dr. Garrett Reismen as our keynote speaker.
  • Flying In: Exercise those Cirrus legs and fly your plane to Migration. Arrival and Departure procedures have been worked out for KMQY (Smyrna) and transportation to and from the Hotel will be provided. Please note however that the Smyrna to Gaylord trip takes 45 minutes and some pilots may wish to fly into the busier KBNA (Nashville), though parking cannot be guaranteed and we are not able to provide transportation.
    Register Early and Often! Registration prices increase substantially after August 14th so please register early to get your discounted room. Please also note that the Gaylord often sells out and while there may be availability at the neighboring Gaylord Inn, we cannot guaranty space or rates after August 14th!

We look forward to seeing you and truly hope that your Migration experience will be a great one!

Your Migration Team!

Bill Myers

By the way, I just made my reservation at the Gaylord. It is not under Migration 15. It is under COPA. FYI.


Thanks, we will correct that tomorrow.

Apologies. THE LINK ON THE BROADCAST EMAIL YOU ALL RECEIVED LATE YESTERDAY CONTAINED THE WRONG LINK TO THE REGISTRATION PAGE. An email with the corrected link was just sent and should have been received. The link in the Forum post above is the correct link as well.

Please let us know if you have any problems. And please be patient with your Migration Chair as he seems to be unable to send anything without some mistakes in it!

Update on the Registration snafu: We have 33 registrations that failed as a result of the bad link. We are sending individual emails to each of the impacted registrants informing them that they need to re-register and providing the link.

This will only affect those who clicked on the link on the email blast that was sent out late last night. If you clicked the link on the forum post above or the link on Facebook that Dennis provided there will be no issues. So unless you receive an email specifically instructing you to re-register, please don’t do anything.

Again, my apologies for this mistake. If you have questions, please email the guy who messed this up:

We have had a few reports that the Gaylord is not recognizing our group when you call for reservations. I just got off the phone with our Representative and was assured that they will know who we are if you say you are with the “Cirrus Owners and Pilots Association” or “COPA” or “Migration 15.” And tell them the date of the event if they have any questions.

Please let us know if there are any further issues with this as we are trying to nip these problems in the bud. Thanks.

Tried shortest first – COPA, then Migration 15 and no luck, then the agent found it under Cirrus Owners & Pilots Association. Booked now.


I tried COPA, she finally found it under Cirrus Owners & Pilots Association. “Oh, I remember looking for this yesterday”

Call 1-615-889-1000 and mention “Migration 15” for the discounted rate!


I just got off the phone - they are still having some issues - but did find COPA. They tell me that the group rate is SOLD OUT for Sept 13 - plenty of space available, you will need to call your contact - to add more rooms for the 13th.



Thanks Jeff. We are in contact with the hotel about the situation and will report back when we have more information.

Everyone should be aware that the Gaylord Opryland is a very popular hotel and sells out. I will provide a more detailed post later, however we are required to guaranty a certain number of rooms and the more we reserve, the more we guaranty. So it is a bit of a balancing act in trying to reserve enough rooms to make sure we have space while not reserving too many rooms where we have to pay on our guarantee if we don’t have enough people sign up.

Two points for now. First, if you’re going to arrive early, register now. Second there are rooms at the Gaylord Inn ( information in the Registration Website) if the Gaylord Opryland is sold out. However the Gaylord in may sell out as well and we do not have a guaranteed block with the Gaylord Inn.

So the short answer here is Register early and Register often!

I just tried to book and was quoted $381 for the night of the 13th and $179 for the other 3 nights. When I asked for a supervisor they put me on terminal hold so I hung up.


I just spent several minutes looking in Calendar, in Regions and Events, in What’s New and elsewhere around the Forums to find any link, whatsoever, to M15 so i could register. I couldn’t find anything listed; I had to resort to search. You may want to add the usual links to Calendar, etc.


I booked the 13th for 179. No pushback at all. Weird.

Very odd. The link is at the top of this thread. I will link it to the Calendar, though I need to find the Calendar as I didn’t know there was one.

And it is on the Home Page as well:

We also got 13-17 for 179 per night.

I think what Andy is saying is that many of us look for events in the sidebar

Thanks Tony. I’ll get’er done.


Right you are. However, I will note that rather than being the main lede right smack-dab on everyone’s page, it’s been buried way down, a relatively long scroll, on the left-hand side. I’d like to suggest that our Admins move it front-and-center, scroll-free on everyone’s home page. Visibility ='s recognition ='s registrations.

On a positive note, my hotel CSR found the COPA rate instantly and reserving our room was very easy yesterday, around 6:00PM CDT.

Very best,