Are there any plans for Cirri to park together and for owners (and Cirrus Design) to do anything together at the AOPA Fly-In on June 1st?
Not that i have heard…perhaps we should nominate some one with creative ideas and superior organazational skills to coordinate a gathering of the flock…I vote for …Marty
Hi Marty,
I am based at FDK and so was planning to have an informal get together in the afternoon in my hangar (and the hangar of Brian Turrisi, who is right next door). Our hangars are less than 100 ft from the main show area.
Just some cold drinks [soft, of course - it is a fly in] and chips/pretzels and some good conversation. Nothing fancy.
I’ll post more details about a week or so before the flyin (i.e. next week)
Is it beter to fly in IFR or VFR to this event. I will be coming to the event from MI. From Don
In reply to:
Not that i have heard…perhaps we should nominate some one with creative ideas and superior organazational skills to coordinate a gathering of the flock…I vote for …Marty
Thanks - but I don’t even have my SR22 yet and am rather remote from the site. I’ll try to help if someone near FDK takes the lead. But are there even enough Cirri coming to make it do-able?
There is a good chance that I will get down to FDK on Saturday June 1. I am sure that we will cross paths.
Since it appears that you will have registered our 500TH COPA MEMBER by that time, perhaps some special celebration may be in order…
Maybe a free lifetime cockpit weather subscrption to all attendees??
Look forward to seeing you and meeting Brian!
The arrival and departure in the Frederick area will be easier done VFR due to volume. Watch out for P-40 north of FDK which is the President’s weekend retreat. It is wider (8 miles) than the map currently depicts.
VFR with flight following will give you the most flexibility in the area.
If it is anything like last year, you’ll be coming in IFR. I did 12 circuits in the hold over FDK waiting for the ceiling to rise. I ended up being the second aircraft to arrive.
But I agree that VFR is the best approach. You can cancel IFR as you get closer and head to the east side of FDK and join into the flow of traffic along Rt 70. See the AOPA web site for arrival procedures.
Depends on the weather, of course! ROFLMAO![:D]
Seriously, I was told by a controller friend that IFR arrivals would likely get lengthy holds in IFR / MVFR weather due to the one-in-one-out IFR routing at FDK. (Each IFR arrival has to land and/or cancel before the next one is cleared for the approach.) In VFR weather, IFR arrivals will have to merge into the published VFR arrival pattern (see, so no advantage there…
It is wider (8 miles) than the map currently depicts.
I has been reduced to 5 miles (it is still charted as 4).
Unfortunately Brian will not be able to make it this year but I am donating my hanger instead. Will miss you all.