AOPA Fly-In, June 1

I’m breaking the “rule” about posting on both the members and public forums, so that as many people as possible can see this post and turn up!

I’ll be having a small get-together at the AOPA Fly-In on June 1st, in Frederick MD, at 1 pm.
Nothing too fancy - just some cold drinks, chips, etc. It’ll be in my hangar and Brian & Elaine Turrisi’s hangar [the two hangars are next door to each other]. Unfortunately, Brian and Elaine won’t be able to make it, but they’ve generously offered the use of their hangar in their absence. The hangar numbers are D-8 and D-9.

Attached is a map showing the exact location of the hangars. You should be able to see the line of hangars marked “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, etc. from the food/exhibit area of the show, and we’re on the north side of hangar D.

It should be a good opportunity to get to know some of your fellow COPA members!

Please check the Fly-In Procedures on AOPA’s home page if you plan to fly in.

Hope to see you there!


I will be there with a friend who is flying with me. My SR22 is being delivered Saturday the 25th of May and the EXPO will be my first cross country in the 22. Looking forward to meeting you and other COPA members.

Can we all park in the same area? Maybe make a little Cirrus statement!!!


Steve,Talked to Michelle…so save me a spot next the cold_____well…drinks!

If the weather is VFR I plan to fly my SR20 to FDK for the AOPA meeting. By the way would you tell me were you would go to get ARNAV engine monitoring installed. I am ready to buy it but not sure I want to go to Dulles Aviation/Capital Avionics. As you may recall I am based at FCI in the same hangar as Don Rennie.

In reply to:

Can we all park in the same area? Maybe make a little Cirrus statement!!!


Good question - I will call AOPA on Tuesday and find out, but I suspect it might be hard to arrange (i.e. I imagine a bunch of people would have similar requests and if they tried to accomodate them all, it would be a real mess.)

Looking forward to seeing you then!


In reply to:

By the way would you tell me were you would go to get ARNAV engine monitoring installed. I am ready to buy it but not sure I want to go to Dulles Aviation/Capital Avionics.

Hi John,

Hope to see you again at FDK next week. I’ve been happy with the service I’ve been getting from Airways (Lancaster, PA). I would strongly recommend them!


Well just tell the AOPA these are Cirri and not some rinky dink airplane outfit!!! According to the survey on the Lancair site we are Number 1 !!!


Well it looks like 164CD is on shuttle patrol for John to LNS for in the near future…
Maybe this time we’ll get lucky and instead of the crosswind announced by the tower as ‘gusting at 40!’…we’ll slide in under 20 or so…!

What time are people arriving?

I will be coming in Friday night around 6:00pm.
