I have number 80, was wondering if anybody in the 70’s range received exact delivery dates. Last date I received was 9/15 and I don’t think they are going to make that.
I have number 80, was wondering if anybody in the 70’s range received exact delivery dates. Last date I received was 9/15 and I don’t think they are going to make that.
I had a 9/15 date too, but that was 3 weeks ago and no update since then.
I have number 80, was wondering if anybody in the 70’s range received exact delivery dates. Last date I received was 9/15 and I don’t think they are going to make that.
Last I got was also 9/15 (a couple of months ago) for #72. I’m guessing 8/1 based on July’s deliveries and a mildly optimistic view of production. I’ll post when I hear more.
I have no. 71, and am told I will have delivery on October 4. It appears production is at two per week at this time, so you should hear something like a month later.
I have number 80, was wondering if anybody in the 70’s range received exact delivery dates. Last date I received was 9/15 and I don’t think they are going to make that.
Heard from Cirrus, #80, mid to late Oct.
I have number 80, was wondering if anybody in the 70’s range received exact delivery dates. Last date I received was 9/15 and I don’t think they are going to make that.
I have number 80, was wondering if anybody in the 70’s range received exact delivery dates. Last date I received was 9/15 and I don’t think they are going to make that.
I got my delivery letter today for #72 (s/n 1072)–it is scheduled for 10/6.
Does anyone have a feel for the numbers
shipped in July and August, is the upward
trend continuing ?
Cirrus started reporting “SR20’s to date” when they unveiled their new black web site. Here’s what they’ve shown so far:
52 Aug 4 2000
54 Aug 16 2000
55 Aug 18 2000
It’s August 23 and the number is still 55. Perhaps this reflects a part-time web master, and the real numbers are higher.
Does anyone have a feel for the numbers
shipped in July and August, is the upward
trend continuing ?
Does anyone have a feel for the numbers
shipped in July and August, is the upward
trend continuing ?
Just left the factory on Thursday. While I love the plane and the company, I was quite struck by what looked like only a handful of planes (5 or 6) that were painted or looked anywhere near being ready to paint. It looked like they were pretty muck locked in to 2 a week at least for the next couple of weeks.
When pressed about deliveries, they still insist they’ll be at “1 a day by year-end”.
Cirrus started reporting “SR20’s to date” when they unveiled their new black web site. Here’s what they’ve shown so far:
52 Aug 4 2000
54 Aug 16 2000
55 Aug 18 2000
#61 get delv 8/30/00…ed
It’s August 23 and the number is still 55. Perhaps this reflects a part-time web master, and the real numbers are higher.
Does anyone have a feel for the numbers
shipped in July and August, is the upward
trend continuing ?
#67 (N163CD), “C” model with leather and 2-blade prop, has a delivery date of 9/22. Obviously, I still fail to see the merits of the 3-blade prop. It is slower,heavier (22lbs.) and not appreciably quieter than the 2-blade according to the POH numbers. That said, I might go for a 4-blade just to have one more than you guys.
Cirrus started reporting “SR20’s to date” when they unveiled their new black web site. Here’s what they’ve shown so far:
52 Aug 4 2000
54 Aug 16 2000
55 Aug 18 2000
#61 get delv 8/30/00…ed
It’s August 23 and the number is still 55. Perhaps this reflects a part-time web master, and the real numbers are higher.
Does anyone have a feel for the numbers
shipped in July and August, is the upward
trend continuing ?
Cirrus started reporting “SR20’s to date” when they unveiled their new black web site. Here’s what they’ve shown so far:
52 Aug 4 2000
54 Aug 16 2000
55 Aug 18 2000
#61 get delv 8/30/00…ed
#68 available for deliv. on Sep 25. I will actually take deliv. on 9/27.
It’s August 23 and the number is still 55. Perhaps this reflects a part-time web master, and the real numbers are higher.
Does anyone have a feel for the numbers
shipped in July and August, is the upward
trend continuing ?
Sad to say but I’m not convinced, looking
at all the data people have posted, and the
supposed delivery dates then it looks like
they are stuck at 2 a week. Is that really
a viable business model. Unless of course
all the work going on will produce some
significant cuts in production times.
#487 October 2001 - at this rate 2005 !!!
Not convinced but ready to be told otherwise
#67 (N163CD), “C” model with leather and 2-blade prop, has a delivery date of 9/22. Obviously, I still fail to see the merits of the 3-blade prop. It is slower,heavier (22lbs.) and not appreciably quieter than the 2-blade according to the POH numbers. That said, I might go for a 4-blade just to have one more than you guys.
Cirrus started reporting “SR20’s to date” when they unveiled their new black web site. Here’s what they’ve shown so far:
52 Aug 4 2000
54 Aug 16 2000
55 Aug 18 2000
#61 get delv 8/30/00…ed
It’s August 23 and the number is still 55. Perhaps this reflects a part-time web master, and the real numbers are higher.
Does anyone have a feel for the numbers
shipped in July and August, is the upward
trend continuing ?
I still fail to see the merits of the 3-blade prop. It is slower,heavier (22lbs.) and not appreciably quieter than the 2-blade according to the POH numbers.
The 3-blade gives the same performance as the 2-blade, but it is heavier. The POH numbers on noise are not to be believed - the real figures (which will probably not become official until JAA certification gets closer) have the 3-blade about 3dB quieter. The story is that due to time pressures, the 3-blade was not measured accurately, instead after doing the 2-blade, the FAA and Cirrus both agreed the 3-blade was quieter and they entered it in the POH as just a tiny bit less than the 2-blade.
The fact is that most people are getting the 3-blade, and I believe it’s for appearance. It does look a lot better.
#67 (N163CD), “C” model with leather and 2-blade prop, has a delivery date of 9/22. Obviously, I still fail to see the merits of the 3-blade prop. It is slower,heavier (22lbs.) and not appreciably quieter than the 2-blade according to the POH numbers. That said, I might go for a 4-blade just to have one more than you guys.
Bill, I’m with you, but it seems that we are a minority. I suppose we’ll have the only two ‘odd’ looking “C” models with 2 bladed props.
Please let me know what your empty weight is. You can either post here or e-mail me directly at jatiii@aol.com.
Thanks and happy flying.
Marty (#119)
Sad to say but I’m not convinced, looking
at all the data people have posted, and the
supposed delivery dates then it looks like
they are stuck at 2 a week. Is that really
a viable business model. Unless of course
all the work going on will produce some
significant cuts in production times.
#487 October 2001 - at this rate 2005 !!!
Not convinced but ready to be told otherwise
Robert, I’ve been on this site for over a year. At that time, people were talking about hoping to get to 1-2 per month and doubting 1-2 per week. (They were also doubting 100 in 2000, which will be close, but probably no cigar.)
As the production facilities expand, I think the company is starting a second assembly line to run parrallel, but this takes time. Not only do they have to hire and train new workers, but they have to build the molds and jigs, which also takes manpower away from production.
So far the company has done fairly well increasing the production rate, albiet, not hit 100% of their targets.
I have #119 and am promised delivery in Jan 15. They had admitted over committing in Aug or Sept. but I think the trend is clearly visable.
I for one have been waiting since June 1997 (or was it '96?), with an original delivery date of Sept. 1998. Yes I would have liked the plane when promissed. I decided not to upgrade my current plane 3 years ago as I was expecting a new plane, so it has been hard. Patience my friend - good things come to thos who wait.
I’m making decisions based on the information that Cirrus is providing. If the noise data in the POH are bogus I’m going to be more than angry. Measuring comparative dbs inside and outside the cockpit for the 2 and 3-blade is not difficult; so I find it hard to believe that the FAA and Cirrus just made up some numbers because they did not know how to measure noise. If that is what they did, I think they are obliged to inform those who are making the money decisions. I would willingly pay for the 3-blade if the db difference is at least a JND different. Regarding the speed difference, the only expression I have heard from a Cirrus representative is that the difference is negligable. I take this to mean that there is a difference. Some might think that one to three KTS is negligible; however, on long trips and over months and years of flying it means you will be many miles ahead.
I still fail to see the merits of the 3-blade prop. It is slower,heavier (22lbs.) and not appreciably quieter than the 2-blade according to the POH numbers.
The 3-blade gives the same performance as the 2-blade, but it is heavier. The POH numbers on noise are not to be believed - the real figures (which will probably not become official until JAA certification gets closer) have the 3-blade about 3dB quieter. The story is that due to time pressures, the 3-blade was not measured accurately, instead after doing the 2-blade, the FAA and Cirrus both agreed the 3-blade was quieter and they entered it in the POH as just a tiny bit less than the 2-blade.
The fact is that most people are getting the 3-blade, and I believe it’s for appearance. It does look a lot better.
I’m making decisions based on the information that Cirrus is providing. If the noise data in the POH are bogus I’m going to be more than angry
I think that’s a little harsh. The data in the POH is not “bogus”, rather it is “worst-case” data, i.e. you can expect the actual aircraft to deliver results no worse than what is in the POH. If it does better, that’s a bonus, and that can hardly be described as misleading. The noise figures, BTW, are not measured inside the aircraft.
Remember, no-one is forcing you to buy the 3-blade prop - and there are clear reasons to stay with the two-blade prop. The fact that most people are choosing the 3-blade prop has more, I believe, to do with appearance than anything else.
Regarding the cruise performance, you can’t accurately measure a 1-3 knot difference in TAS without much better instrumentation than is in the production aircraft anyway. But I have seen nothing to suggest that there is a difference as large as 3 knots between the 2 blade and 3 blade prop.
The bottom line is, that unless the appearance is more important to you than weight (which affects performance anyway) you should buy the 2-blade (and save yourself some bucks in the process). You can’t tell the difference when they’re spinning anyway! Buy it, fly it, be happy!
I’m making decisions based on the information that Cirrus is providing. If the noise data in the POH are bogus I’m going to be more than angry
I think that’s a little harsh. The data in the POH is not “bogus”, rather it is “worst-case” data, i.e. you can expect the actual aircraft to deliver results no worse than what is in the POH. If it does better, that’s a bonus, and that can hardly be described as misleading. The noise figures, BTW, are not measured inside the aircraft.
I agree, “bogus” is a little strong; perhaps I should have said their are no data to support a choice based on differences in dbs or vibration. Lightspeed must have measured the noise signature inside the cabin when they custom designed their headset for the SR20. Most of the low db noise is prop noise.
Remember, no-one is forcing you to buy the 3-blade prop - and there are clear reasons to stay with the two-blade prop. The fact that most people are choosing the 3-blade prop has more, I believe, to do with appearance than anything else.
That’s more or less what I have concluded, but I want to be sure that I am not missing something other than aesthetics. I thought that this forum might help me make a rational choice . . . I realize that I have a choice.
Regarding the cruise performance, you can’t accurately measure a 1-3 knot difference in TAS without much better instrumentation than is in the production aircraft anyway. But I have seen nothing to suggest that there is a difference as large as 3 knots between the 2 blade and 3 blade prop.
I know how to measure TAS. The suggestion that the 3-blade may be slower came from a ferry pilot, not Cirrus. I guess I was hoping that someone could put a number to “negligable” which, in my mind, suggests something other than “unmeasurable.”
The bottom line is, that unless the appearance is more important to you than weight (which affects performance anyway) you should buy the 2-blade (and save yourself some bucks in the process). You can’t tell the difference when they’re spinning anyway! Buy it, fly it, be happy!
Will do. I’m thrilled with the airplane; sorry if my questions suggested otherwise.
Bill Graham