100 and growing,  What are your top 10 reasons for going to Migration this year!

We have over 100 registered attendees. 25 days left in normal registration before the cost goes up substantially.

If you don’t know whether you will be available to attend, you should register during the Normal registration period and not wait till the last minute, use the insurance feature. The price has to go up substantially to cover the last minute jacket production.

Here are my “Top 10” reason to attend this years migration and register during the normal time frame. What are yours?

10 Getting to spend the weekend with the “Best of the Best”. You get to post and discuss with these folks all year long, but there is nothing like getting to see them in person. This years migration in Addison, TX places it in the middle of the country and in TEXAS. What is not to like about that. The Airport and Hotel are minutes from each other. All migration activities are at the hotel or the airport. No long bus rides. You can also arrive early and go shooting with some of your like minded COPA friends. Have you visited the George W. Bush Library or the 6th Floor museum. I just did and they are well worth your time. Go a little early or stay a day later and see them both.

  1. Chance to fly in a P51 or Helicopter or something else at Museum. By registering during the normal time frame, you are entered in a raffle for a helicopter ride at the Cavanaugh Museum on Friday night. They also have other aircraft that you can get rides in for a fee. You also get to attend the “Coolest” Cirrus Life event of the year. It will be sold out. Don’t wait to long to register for Migration and miss this event. There are some special guest that Cirrus has invited. Will be a special evening and one we will talk about for some time.

  2. Attend the COPA Annual Meeting and really thank the volunteers and board members. IAW our bylaws, COPA must have an annual meeting. For the second year in a row, that will take place at the Migration. Your board of directors will also give you an update on all things COPA. You want to be the first to learn about all this important information on your organization.

  3. Get the latest on Cirrus Safety Foundation and Cirrus College of Aviation Knowledge. The Safety Stand-down is a tradition at migration. Learn the latest from Rick Beach. This year Trip Taylor will also tell you about the exciting new programs that he is bringing on line for Cirrus Pilots and Owners. Find out what is also happening with the newly created Foundation and how you can contribute.

  4. Get the Coolest Jacket out there. TIm Valentine our Chairman in Training has coordinated the best jacket for you and your Cirrus aircraft. By registering on time, he is able to get the manufacturer to give us a great price. Far below retail. This Jacket is included in your registration price. This jacket folds up in a small size and has a pouch for you to keep them in your Cirrus. It is very light. This is a limited edition jacket and will be available only at migration.

  1. Learn some incredible new information about your Cirrus and the best way to upgrade or buy accessories. David Schwietert has assembled the best of the best to educate us on all things Cirrus. Have you thought about doing an upgrade to your airplane? What type of accessories should you buy? What maintenance challenges await. Come and talk to the folks that know it all. Wait, I mean know the right answers.

  2. Find out some really cool places to fly to. Ok, you have read about some of these trips in Cirrus Pilot, but have you wanted to find out more about the trips. How about what the Partners in Command thought about them. Come listen to these COPA Command Teams on their trips. Have you always wanted to make one of these trips? Now is the time to learn the how and the way. Oh, and a special presentation on E14 and flying in Europe.

  3. Get to meet and talk to the Industry Leading Companies that support Cirrus Airplanes and Pilots. You can post on COPE Forums and ask question and many of our vendors respond, but there is nothing like meeting and talking to the leaders of these organizations about their products and how you might want to use them. Do you have feedback or thoughts about their products or services, this is a great time to interact with them. Migration Trade Show EXPO is the best. Oh, and many of our vendors give us special deals during the migration. Have a question for Cirrus? They will be there with their leadership team to talk with you. They will also give us the latest on the SF50. How about Garmin, Avidyne or Jeppesen. All there. Do you want to trade up and get a larger aircraft or different one. Well, Pilatus, Piper, Eclipse, Cirrus, and Husky will have demo aircraft for you to try out.

  4. Learning the ground truth on ADS-B and the best way to upgrade your model/vintage of Cirrus. This migration major focus is ADS-B. How to comply with the 2020 mandate and also get the most from the ADS-B IN services. Lots of post on COPA Forums, but FAA, Cirrus, Garmin, Avidiyne and others will be there to tell you how to do it and take your questions. Find out when Cirrus/Garmin will have ADS-B IN for Perspective. Learn what Avidyne is doing to keep your current MFD relevant in ADS-B. In one weekend get the answers that would take you much time and calling to find all this info.

  5. For me the highlight of the migration is getting to Listen to James & Deb Fallows tails of touring America. The migration banquet dinner is always a special night, but this year will be special. Getting to hear from Jim is great, but for me the really cool thing is having Deb there to tell is the REAL stuff.

So those are my reasons for registering already for migration. What are yours? For those not registered yet, what are you waiting for? You know you want to come. Why wait. Want to pay more?

This is Craig’s last migration as Chairman. He has organized his best and wants as many COPA members as possible to attend and benefit from his labors. Lets show him we appreciate his efforts. Register now. Don’t wait to the last day.


John has done a great job of itemizing his “Top 10” reasons for attending Migration 13! And, although his reasons coincide with mine, I’d like to offer a few additional comments:

  • Did you know that COPA’s demographics is gradually shifting? And, along with that shift we have lots of relatively new members! So, while many of us know that the “Migration experience” is one worth repeating, some of our newer members might be wondering “What’s this Migration stuff anyway?” Frankly, it’s a great excuse (as if pilots need one) to fly cross-country and meet friends you didn’t even know that you had. While we may have different backgrounds, we all share a love of flying, prefer sitting in the left-seat, and cherish our SR-2X time aloft. Is there a better way to join a group of people with similar aviation-related inclinations? I don’t know of it…
  • If you are a Migration “newbie”, no sweat! When you register, there’s an option to request a Migration Mentor. We’ll team you up with another COPAN who knows the ropes. Now, it’s not that Migration is complex to attend. (It’s only complex to produce!) Basically, you fly in (GA or commercial), hop on the bus (already scheduled) that takes you from the FBO to the hotel, check into your room at the Front Desk, and receive your M13 packet (and event badge) at our own special Check-In table. (Just follow the signage - you won’t need “the magenta line” to find it!) Although Migration “officially” starts on Thursday night with our casual COPA Cabana cocktail party (featuring lots of tasty hors d’oeuvres), you might consider arriving a day early to enjoy a Texas-style experience at a local gun range or to hang at the airport and learn more about the inner workings of your SR-2X by attending Roger Whittier’s hands-on maintenance class. (Both events require advance registration.) COPA’s Annual Meeting takes place on Friday morning. Here, you’ll get the low-down on our recent organization changes (invisible to most of COPA) that have set the stage for a major reinvention of COPA’s training delivery system. After that, M13’s Friday-Saturday schedule is loaded with great seminars featuring well-known speakers, our very own tradeshow attended by major vendors, and fun evening social events. What do you have to do? Just r*egister and show up - that’s it! *
  • What about our long-time members? Been there, done that? What’s in it for you … other than having a good time with COPA friends, eating great food, possibly hearing/seeing something new during the seminars and at the tradeshow, and enjoying the evening social events? (BTW Cirrus Aircraft is throwing a heckova party on Friday night at the Cavanaugh Flight Museum. Free transportation, food, open bar, entertainment, and … really cool airplanes!) ADS-B is on the horizon for all of us. And, with a hand on our wallet and an eye to the future, M13 has lined up subject matter experts to both sketch the broad picture as well as discuss implementation details. So, before you plunk down lots of bucks, you might want to check out ADS-B at M13.
    Stand by for more announcements and discussion on M13. But, in the meantime, register. (Unsure of your schedule? Register anyway and purchase Migration “insurance” in case you must cancel.) The deadline for the reduced registration cost (and free M13 down jacket with its own stuff sack) is rapidly approaching.

CU at M13 in Addison, TX!


One more reason to come to M13, Jeppesen will have obstacle/terrain database reader for Garmin 430s in their booth and doing Terrain/obstacle updates. Yes, you sill have to purchase the update, but they will put it on your cards. Bring them. Don’t have to buy that special reader or do it a CPPP.

The Migration Committee had its periodic planning call yesterday. Things are coming together nicely. Some of the best Sessions we have ever had. Check them out in the NOW LIVE Guidebook APP.

The one BIG thing that members should know is the deadline for NORMAL Registration is coming up on 28 July. Just a few days from now.

The price will go up by $125 after that date.

Register NOW before you go to AirVenture. You don’t want to miss the cutoff date. Even if you don’t know your schedule in September now, register and buy the insurance.

Ok, here is another reason to come to Migration 13. Just talked to Tom Harper of Avidyne. Here at Oshkosh, they have set up the Avidyne Genus Counter. You bring a picture of your Panel and listing of your equipment. The Avidyne Geniuses sit down with you and help you figure out what your ADS-B solution should be based on the functionality you want and the price you can pay. And no, it is not just Avidyne products.

Tom committed to me to do it at Migration 13 as well.


That sounds great! I’m just beginning to think about ADS-B solutions for my 2002 SR-22. Combining Avidyne’s suggestions along with the ADS-B seminars that David Schweitert has arranged for this year’s Migration sounds like a real opportunity to me!
