SR20.ORG conversion

The SR20.ORG forum has now been moved over to this COPA public forum. A couple notes are in order here:

  • Note that this forum is, and will remain, open to the general public; in other words, membership in COPA is not required in order to use this forum or the other public functions of the http://www.cirruspilots.orgCOPA web site.

  • If desired, members may post in the members only forum (click on “Main Index” at the top of the screen to see all our forums). Of course, members can also access the members-only sections of the http://www.cirruspilots.orgCOPA web site.

  • As I’ve mentioned in an earlier message, I realize it takes a bit to get used to this software, as compared to the presentation. However, I’d like to ask your patience and ask you to give this software a chance. There are lots of nice features that this software can offer. (See Kevin Moore’s post about the Garmin 295 freeze problem earlier today, and my reply, for one example)

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact any of us here at COPA.

Steve Lin
(reachable at or