COPA Forums

There was a post on Friday regarding access to this (Clyde’s discussion forum after it’s merged with the COPA forums.
Within the next few weeks, we (COPA and Clyde Stubbs [creator and maintainer of]) are working to “merge” the forums, so that they will become one and the same.
The idea is that the current and past forum discussions will be migrated into a public COPA Forum – everyone can read and post, along with enhanced search capabilities. COPA members’ posts will be identified by a special logo, indicating that the author has been verified as a COPA member. Anonymous posts will still be allowed, but at least this new feature will prevent someone from masquerading as someone else, and will indicate the authenticity of those posts from COPA members.

There will still be a members only forum, that members can use to discuss things that they’d prefer not to air in public.

How much use the public “ based” forum gets vs. the members-only forum will be decided by the users – that is, it all depends on where people want to post.

If we find that one or the other forum ends up getting little to no traffic, so be it; that decision will be made by the people who use the forums.

I should note that there is at least one other forum unique to COPA members - the “COPA Response!” forum in which detailed technical or medical questions may be asked. COPA Response technical liasons and medical experts will research your question and attempt to obtain a definitive answer… This feature will always only be available to COPA members.

This seems like the most “democratic” way to go about this process, and the most fair way to do it. We are not trying to “lock out” anyone, even those who decide not to become members. But there has been a strong interest in adding some precautions to cut down on some of the extraneous information being bandied about.

Of course, anyone’s comments are welcome if there are alternate suggestions.

Steve Lin

( or

I’ll vote that you’all hold off with the merge until the COPA forum software supports threads on the left with message content on the right. Clyde’s forum software is MUCH more convenient and far less cumbersome to use because of this, IMHO.

  • Steven

There was a post on Friday regarding access to this (Clyde’s discussion forum after it’s merged with the COPA forums.

Within the next few weeks, we (COPA and Clyde Stubbs [creator and maintainer of]) are working to “merge” the forums, so that they will become one and the same.

For what it’s worth, I also prefer the message board SW to the message board system running at COPA.

George Savage

SR22 N747SJ (September 18th!!)

I’ll vote that you’all hold off with the merge until the COPA forum software supports threads on the left with message content on the right. Clyde’s forum software is MUCH more convenient and far less cumbersome to use because of this, IMHO.

  • Steven

There was a post on Friday regarding access to this (Clyde’s discussion forum after it’s merged with the COPA forums.

Within the next few weeks, we (COPA and Clyde Stubbs [creator and maintainer of]) are working to “merge” the forums, so that they will become one and the same.

What the ehck is “IMHO” stand for…I see it here all the time?



vote that you’all hold off with the merge until the COPA forum software supports threads on the left with message content on the right. Clyde’s forum software is MUCH more convenient and far less cumbersome to use because of this, IMHO.

  • Steven

There was a post on Friday regarding access to this (Clyde’s discussion forum after it’s merged with the COPA forums.

Within the next few weeks, we (COPA and Clyde Stubbs [creator and maintainer of]) are working to “merge” the forums, so that they will become one and the same.

I’ll vote that you’all hold off with the merge until the COPA forum software supports threads on the left with message content on the right. Clyde’s forum software is MUCH more convenient and far less cumbersome to use because of this, IMHO.

  • Steven

There was a post on Friday regarding access to this (Clyde’s discussion forum after it’s merged with the COPA forums.

Within the next few weeks, we (COPA and Clyde Stubbs [creator and maintainer of]) are working to “merge” the forums, so that they will become one and the same.

I, too, prefer the forum. But since Clyde is Minister of Information for COPA and the Webmaster, I would be happy to let him make the decision on the surviving format.

What the ehck is “IMHO” stand for…I see it here all the time?



IMHO = “In My Humble Opinion.”

BTW = By The Way

LOL = Laughing Out Loud

What the ehck is “IMHO” stand for…I see it here all the time?



IMHO = “In My Humble Opinion.”

BTW = By The Way

LOL = Laughing Out Loud

LMAO = Laughing my A** off

TIA = thanks in advance

FWIW = for what it’s worth