SR20/22 Flight Simulator Files and Controller(Hardware) suggestions
It has become apparent to me that we have many new visitors to this great site. Therefore, the following is for those of you that are new or somehow missed previous posts regarding how you can use your PC as a flight simulator for fun or instrument practice.
To start with you must have MicrosoftÂ’s Flight Simulator 2000 Pro Edition installed and working on your PC for the following downloads to be used. MicrosoftÂ’s FS2000 only works well on a computer that is at least 400MHz or higher and has at least an 8 MB video card. At this time there is NO Cirrus downloads, to our knowledge, for any other PC simulator software. If any become available we will make a post immediately. These downloads will give you instructions on how to install an SR20 or 22 into your FS 2000. There are also different instrument panels available depending on if you want an HSI, SANDEL, etc.
Thanks to Gordon Feingold, we have all the files and instructions posted at the following web site:
Note: make sure you type “ftp” not “http”. Also, please download or open the “Instructions” first. They are very detailed and will help you avoid doing something wrong.
Joystick Vs. Control Yoke
Many of you have emailed me asking what controller I would recommend. This is a hard thing to do since I am not sure of your IFR experience, your over all computer knowledge, or if you prefer a joystick over a yoke. Obviously, most of you will think a joystick is the way to go since the Cirrus uses a stick. Well that is not exactly true. When I took my Cirrus demo ride, I thought hey, I have used a computer joystick for many years, this should be an easy transition. Well it was not, in fact, as most of you know the Cirrus stick (for pitch) goes in and out of the dash, like a yoke. For (roll), the stick rotates left and right, like a joystick. So now what? I found that landing the Cirrus was a lot like landing a Cessna. If you don’t need to change the roll much, then all you are doing is pushing and pulling on the controller to keep from bouncing on a landing. But if you are practicing steep turns, I found myself trying to lift up on or push down the stick to use it like a yoke. The only solution to this combination of pushing, pulling, twisting would be to buy a yoke type controller, remove the yoke part, cut the left handle grip off, then attach it right to the shaft coming out of the controller. Now it will look and work like the putting end of a large golf club (like seen and used in the Cirrus). I really doubt anyone will ever make a controller like this. I might try in the future. If I am successful, I will post photos and instructions later. What I recommend for now is If you like playing on your computer and flying all kinds of planes, get the yoke. If you are new to all of this, best to get a joystick. As far as rudder pedals, If you are doing a lot of IFR practice on the computer, I don’t feel they are that important. If you want to practice X-wind landings, yes you need pedals. You can always add pedals later. Just make sure you get everything in USB ports for any of the above.
Product Recommendations
For a joystick, I recommend Microsoft’s Sidewinder Force feedback Pro 2(USB) $119.95
For a yoke - CH ProductÂ’s Flight Sim Yoke Pro (USB) $109.95
Rudder pedals - CH Pro Pedals (with toe brakes)USB $109.95 There is a great web site to get good prices on these items
Good luck to all of you. Please keep sending emails if you have questions. I can also be reached at (818) 366-7877.
Jim #357