I have recieved many requests for the updated version of Microsoft’s Flight Sim 2000 Pro Edition Cirrus SR20/22 with updated panel w/ moving map. Because so many of you asked for a copy, I’m not sure if everyone recived one. If you had any problems geting the files please email me again.
Also, many of you asked what type controller I would recommend(see end of this post for my list). This is a hard thing to do since I am not sure of your IFR experience, your over all computer knowledge, or if you prefer a joystick over a yoke. Obviously, most of you will think a joystick is the way to go since the Cirrus uses a stick. Well that is not exactlly true. When I took my demo ride in a Cirrus for the first time, I thought hey I have used a computer joystick for many years, this should be an easy transition. Well it was not, in fact as most of you know the Cirrus stick (for pitch) goes in and out of the dash, like a yoke. For roll, the stick rotates left and right, like a joystick. So what to do, right? I found that landing the Cirrus was a lot like landing my Cessna 172. If you don’t need to change the roll much, then all you are doing is pushing and pulling on the controller to keep from bouncing on landing. But if you are practicing steep turns I found myself trying to lift up on or push down the stick to use it like a yoke. The solution, buy a yoke type controller, remove yoke part, cut the left handel grip off, and attach it right to the shaft coming out of the controller. Now it will look and work like the putting end of a golf club like seen and used in the Cirrus. Will anyone ever make a controller like this? I would not hold my breath. Could you make one yourself, I will probably try this in the Fall, a few month before my delivery only to get a real feel for the Cirrus again.
What do I recommend to all of you? If you like playing on your computer and flying all kinds of planes, get the yoke. If you are new to all of this, get the stick. As far as rudder pedals, If you are doing a lot of IFR practice on the computer, I don’t feel they are that important. If you want to practice X-wind landings, yes you need them. Get the other stuff first, you can always add peddals later. Just make sure you get everything in USB ports for any of the above.
What I recommend for a joystick - Microsoft’s Sidewinder Force feedback Pro (USB) $130. For a yoke - CH Products Flight Sim Yoke Pro (USB) $109. For Rudder pedals - CH Pro Pedals (with toe brakes)USB $109. There is a great web site to get the best prices on these items www.fscentral.com
Good luck to all. Please feel free to call anytime for further advice or ideas.