Red Bull race schedule at M12

Does anybody know the hours during which the race is supposed to be run on Sunday? I spoke to the ticket sales people and they have no idea. I assume the hours haven’t been set yet, but thought I’d ask here anyway. I’d like to catch some of the race and still leave on Sunday (I only have to fly to Santa Monica), but it makes it hard to plan not knowing when the race is supposed to start/end.


The times have yet to be established. I’ve been told “mid to late morning” but that’s not very definitive! When I know more, I’ll post it over in the top-level of the Regions area.

Please stand by…


OK. I passed on getting a ticket when registering for M12. I might as well sign up for one now. Is there a way to do it outside of the registration process? If so, can you tell me how, and what section the seats are in?


The ones COPA is getting are general administration. We were all going to bus and sit together. You can go back to your registration and modify it and add tickets.

You can also buy them on the Red Bull site.

You can go back to your registration and modify it and add tickets.

You sure about that? I just tried and couldn’t find that item.


Karl, did you get everything squared away?


I wasn’t able to get a ticket through the registration form.


I bought tix online via ticketmaster .
Quick and easy. @ $39 each for G. Adm

Karl & David,

Our pricing (during M12 registration) for the RBAR option (on Sunday) includes bus transportation plus the General Admission ticket that David mentions. COPA has to pay for the transportation. (Cirrus Aircraft initially talked about doing something on Sunday but that morphed into the Friday night “pit party”. And, we’re paying for that transportation, as well.) So, if you elect to buy your own ticket (for the same price that COPA is paying) and not sign up for the RBAR option during registration, you are responsible for your own transportation.

For everyone who would like to ride the bus with the rest of us, please select the registration Red Bull Air Race option! For anyone who has gone ahead and purchased their own tickets, how do you plan to get up to the raceway? It’s a goodly distance. If you have already bought you own ticket but would like to ride the COPA bus with the rest of us, we’ll work something out. (Please contact Donna at the COPA office in North Las Vegas.) That said, we are using RegOnline to keep track of how many COPANs need transportation to the RBAR on Sunday. A single bus holds ~50 people. And, I won’t be able to adjust the count at the last minute. *So, if you wish to travel to RBAR with COPA, please select that option during registration. *The difference in ticket price is simply the cost of bus transportation.

If you are having difficulty (Karl?) going back and editing your registration to include our Sunday trip to RBAR, please contact Donna at the COPA office.


Hmmmm. You should have been able to adjust your registration to add the option. However, if you’d like to attend RBAR on Sunday and ride the bus with the rest of us, please contact Donna at our Las Vegas office. She can manually adjust your registration … and bill your credit card. [;)]


