I am headed to Oshkosh tomorrow, and was planning to land at Fond du lac, until a fellow pilot told me that arriving and departing Oshkosh was a piece of cake. So, if anyone has any thoughts on which would get me more foot time at the show, I am open for any opinions. Is there an advantage to file IFR to either airport?
Thanks in advance, and sorry for the last minute questions,
Curt is technically correct ( as we have come to expect ) but from a practical standpoint you might get in without a slot reservation no later than Thursday when traffic starts to get a bit intense at FLD. I just returned from the show and OSH was full with no room left at 1pm Tuesday. They were sending traffic to FLD ( this was per the FBO mgr at FLD).
In terms of the slot - I did have a slot for 12:30pm, but flew in at the same time as a friend of mine who is the Lancair dealer in New Hampshire at 9:30am and they were happy to accept me on Monday. Things were very organized and peaceful Monday and most of Tuesday at FLD.