
I am headed to Oshkosh tomorrow, and was planning to land at Fond du lac, until a fellow pilot told me that arriving and departing Oshkosh was a piece of cake. So, if anyone has any thoughts on which would get me more foot time at the show, I am open for any opinions. Is there an advantage to file IFR to either airport?

Thanks in advance, and sorry for the last minute questions,


Be sure to have the OSHKOSH NOTAM. For IFR you need an STMP reservation. They will not take you IFR unless the conditions warrent.


Be sure to have the OSHKOSH NOTAM. For IFR you need an STMP reservation. They will not take you IFR unless the conditions warrent.


-Curt SR22 #457 formerly SR22 #44

Curt is technically correct ( as we have come to expect ) but from a practical standpoint you might get in without a slot reservation no later than Thursday when traffic starts to get a bit intense at FLD. I just returned from the show and OSH was full with no room left at 1pm Tuesday. They were sending traffic to FLD ( this was per the FBO mgr at FLD).

In terms of the slot - I did have a slot for 12:30pm, but flew in at the same time as a friend of mine who is the Lancair dealer in New Hampshire at 9:30am and they were happy to accept me on Monday. Things were very organized and peaceful Monday and most of Tuesday at FLD.

Good luck