Have any of you SRxx owners installed a quick drain plug? Once installed and wired if left open you will know it when the oil is added.
I had it installed in my SR22 at the last oil change. The mechanics much prefer it. I had it done so that if I ever change the oil myself, it will be easier. The cost was about $100.
Have any of you SRxx owners installed a quick drain plug? Once installed and wired if left open you will know it when the oil is added.
I had it installed in my SR22 at the last oil change. The mechanics much prefer it. I had it done so that if I ever change the oil myself, it will be easier. The cost was about $100.
Same here on our SR20. Removing the small panel above the nose gear allows a short hose to be attached to easily catch the drain oil in a pail.
Any realistic chance of the quick drain opening in flight? I’ve read reports in the past of quick drain mods on other aircraft impinging unexpectedly on something or other, opening suddenly, leading to catastrophic engine failure.
How does Continental feel about this mod?
It would certainly save time for the mechanic but is it a good idea from a safety standpoint?
N747SJ (my first airplane)
Also have a quick drain plug on my SR20 and find it very easy to drain oil using a short hose.
Has anyone come up with a simple solution for removing the SR20 oil filter without spilling oil? (Without having to remove the lower cowl cover).
I just got new license plates for my car with my N number and used an old plate slightly bent and put it underneath to catch any oil. I worked flawlessly. Another tip is to puncture a hole in the top of the filter to help it drain by gravity before you remove the filter. I too put on the quick drain and wired it in place, I took extra special care with the tying of the wire because it is more of a permanent placement.
Also have a quick drain plug on my SR20 and find it very easy to drain oil using a short hose.
Has anyone come up with a simple solution for removing the SR20 oil filter without spilling oil? (Without having to remove the lower cowl cover).
Hi everyone - I am new cirrus SR20 owner with lots of questions. First one: My Cirrus has the quick-connect oil drain installed. I am looking to purchase the mating connection so that I can do my own oil changes. Can anyone advise the part number for this?? Thanks for the help!
Bob, welcome! It is usually just a ribbed hose connection, any hose will do, but I suggest going to home depot and getting some clear tubing.
You also should invest in an oil filter cutter, check out the thread on filter options, and take an oil sample and send to blackstone labs or similar.
Hopefully someone will post tips on getting the oil filter off without making a total mess… Like I usually do. Something about turning the prop backwards to get the oil out of the filter and back to the sump??
take pictures of anything you have questions about and someone here will give you the details
Get a piercing punch. After you open the oil drain and get your oil sample, take that punch and pierce a small hole in the top of the oil filter cannister to break the vacuum. Then go home. Since the engine is hot that is a practical thing to do, but the intent is to let the oil filter drain. Then the next day spin the filter off. I have never gotten so much as one drop on the back of the engine that way. Good luck.
Thanks Roger! I will try that. Bob, noticed you are in the guest section. If you join, there is a wealth of information to draw from
Welcome Robert. When someone posts a serious question on the Guest Forum, it is a virtual certainty that a member will chime in and urge you to join COPA so you have access to the Member Forums. I’ll take the duty for you. It isn’t because COPA wants your $65, although that would be welcome. More importantly there are hundreds of thousands of posts over there from members with many years and many thousands of hours of Cirrus experience. Most members say repeatedly that the $65 per year is their biggest value in aviation because of how much they learn.
Related to your particular question, there is a member section called COPApedia which is COPA’s version of Wikipedia. On COPApedia, there is a very detailed oil change procedure and tips, written by COPA’s past president Mike Radomsky, with each step illustrated with photos.
Come join us!
I do not do my own oil changes, but if I did, I would use the same method on removing the oil filter as I do on my boat. Which is in a horible tight bilge space.
First just barely loosen the filter then take a 1 -2 gallon Zip lock bag, hold it over the filter, with plenty above the filter, and finish screwing the filter off. hold the whole mess there untill most is dripped out, then catch the remaining drips on rags.
Disclaimer, I have never done this on a plane.
On our SR22’s, the filter is down side up, can’t bag it to catch the drips
Oops - my bad - was informed that the questioners have SR20’s where the filter is right side up. So the bag or something similar beneath will work.