N141CD spotted in Beverly, MA

As I was pre-flighting my C172 for my long solo x-country at BVY (Beverly, MA), a SR20 pulled in for some 100LL. I’m pretty sure it was N141CD. The pilot was on his way to Maine to get long range tanks installed. Then he was going to be ferrying the SR20 to Holland. He said it was his third SR20 ferry to Europe! He also said there are something like 87 more SR20’s scheduled to be ferried to Europe.

He was pretty enthusastic about the plane. He loves the side stick and says he sees about 150kts on average. He mentioned the autopilot was so good that the flights across the ocean were extremely boring. He joked that he was going to get a DVD player for his laptop so he could watch some in flight movies!

I got to sit in the plane for a few minutes. What an unbelievable difference between sitting in the SR20 and sitting in the 20 year old spam can! The visibility from the cockpit was incredible. And of course the view of the panel was pretty wild too.

By the way, my x-country, BVY->ORE->CON->BVY, was great! Beautiful weather and great visibility. Not long before I get my ticket now!


He joked that he was going to get a DVD player for his laptop so he could watch some in flight movies!
No joke, actually, another ferry pilot who wrote about ferrying an SR20 in the UK Pilot mag did just that!

I also noticed that the Arnav display has a video input connector, so in theory you could actually play the movie on it.