Migration and kids?

Hi all,

We’re looking forward to attending our first ever migration. Really excited. I have a basic, possibly dumb question: Does anyone bring their kids to these events? We have a 7 year old that we’d bring along, and a 16 year that we can possibly convince to join us too. But - if we bring them, what is there to do for them? Vegas isn’t exactly child-friendly. Would we be better off leaving the kids at home with someone?

I’d love to hear what others have done in past years, and what you are thinking about in regards to children this year.

Thanks in advance!


Based on attending the last one in Nashville I would say you are welcome to bring your kids but they will likely be bored and you (or your wife) will spend time away from the event supervising and entertaining them. The good news is the conference is not on the strip if you decide to bring them so it will be “Vegas light”.

Clearly you will get more enjoyment out of the program leaving them at home, especially if your wife is planning to attend PIC.

Look forward to meeting you in Vegas!

Jorge, we are excited to welcome you to your first Migration!

The Migration Committee has worked with our host hotel, Green Valley Resort and Spa, to provide concierge services to our attendees both prior to and during the event at a hosted desk in the COPA VIP Room.

Please take a look at this page on our Website: http://migration.cirruspilots.org/sessions/viva-las-vegas/ and click through for some ideas and the contact information for the Hotel Concierge.

I hope that helps. We would love to get the number of children to the level where we could develop some programs for them, but we just haven’t had the census in the past few years. But we have had COPA Kids’ Camp in past Migrations and I would love to see that revived.

Bill Myers

Chair, Migration 16 Committee


You’re in Vegas. With your wife. Get the kids a babysitter for a few days.

And here is the link to the page on our website with a specific list of activities: https://copam16.eewebbuilder.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Activity-Guide-2018.pdf

I take my kids to Vegas often !!!

The Strip has nonstop entertainment that is also kid friendly ! the water shows @ Bellagio, Comic characters on the strip, I also go to NY Ny for the roller coaster and Sometimes I go to circus circus and watch their free shows … it’s a bit corny, however it’s entertaining !!!

Green Valley also has a nice pool for the kids !

Jorge - I debated taking our two kids, ages 11 and 6. Thought about kids club options, etc. In the end, decided to leave them at home with grandparents.

For many years we ran a “Camp COPA” full-on “youth program” as part of Migration, but it was a huge effort and wasn’t utilized enough to justify the effort and cost so it faded into the annals of COPA history. I think M11 was the last time we did it.