Migration 2023 Kansas City

Registration on the website is not accepting the hotel for some reason. Unable to complete my Migration registration. Did the room block already close?


I just registered and booked the hotel without any issues.

No, @ethannarber, would you please assist John.

Sorry but I’m not where I can access the registration site.

Hi John,

I replied to your email also - the room block is not closed, but will be updated soon for rooms on Sunday (currently the Sunday night is full, but all other dates have availability).

Registrations can be completed and updated at any time by using the confirmation number and email to log in. If you select a hotel request through Saturday, your request will be saved, and then can be updated at any time by logging in and selecting “Modify Registration”.

All hotel requests can be modified until September 6th.

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All set, Ethan! Thanks for the quick reply.


Ethan: How can I be sure my hotel room is booked as I have received email/confirmation from the hotel .

I spoke with Loews tonight . They have no record of a reservation for me.

Sorry, if I am confused.

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Hi John,

Loews will not have reservation in their system until September 6th. Right now, your hotel request is built in and confirmed with your Migration registration. Any modifications to your hotel request can be made until September 6th by using your Confirmation Number and email to log in and make changes.

Shoot me a message or email if you have anymore questions! Happy to help.



Thanks, Ethan, for the prompt response .

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I was about to ask the same question!


Was considering migration this year.

  1. Is this an event you just show up and choose classes to go to besides what’s sold out like the Garmin tour?
  2. Is lunch/ supper included every day?
  3. If I sign up for Rogers Maintance class will I be missing something else
  4. Are CSIP slot available still to fly in our plane?


Hi Jay,

  1. Yes! When you’re at Migration, you can take a look at our Agenda and attend any sessions you’d like.
  2. All breaks with snacks/food and lunches are available with the Attendee registrations. On Saturday, the reception and banquet dinner are included with the registrations (also includes the live auction and keynote as part of that dinner).
  3. The only agenda items during Roger’s Owner Maintenance session are the Garmin sessions happening on Thursday also (the Garmin event is off-site and will have transportation provided).
  4. I will tag @megan on the CSIP question for more info on how many slots are still available for the sim lab sessions and flight slots during the weekend of Migration.

If you have any other questions, please let me know!


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@James_Gay We have slots in both flight and sim open. @EdWatters and @shanevv are doing the flight instruction and Tim Lewis in Sim.


And let’s not forget COPA Cabana Thursday evening, hosted by Cirrus, and sure to be one of the highlights of Migration 2023!

COPA Cabana will be off-site this year at the fun and exciting KC Live! venue in the Power & Light district.

Located only a few blocks from the hotel, KC Live!

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I’m assuming we’re all flying to KMKC. Which FBO will be hosting Migration?

Correct, Signature will be hosting us as they are the only ones on the field with 100LL(and jetA).


Will we have any special fuel prices? Retail is :flushed:

Don’t know if they made any arrangements, but there is a much less expensive self serve pump on the other side of the field. I know it has 100LL - not sure about Jet A


Jet A is 16% cheaper with Everest. I’ll do that. I don’t need much to justify landing somewhere else.

Yes… @ethannarber will have an update.

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And Ethan please advise parking details. Costs, location, do we bring chocks or tie downs, etc… No hurry, just at some point.