Migration 2023 Kansas City

We tend to customize the flight portion of the training to your individual needs. That can mean a focus on VFR, IFR or any other skills in which you need practice. As Ed said, flight reviews for this event are an option for those in need.


Ed & Brian;
Thanks for your replies. I donā€™t feel like I need training or brush up on any particular area of flight as I do fly quite a lot, and VFR at that (about 1200 hrs in the SR22). However, it would be good to go up with a really experienced CSIP ā€¦ probably pick up some good stuff! On the ground though, learning how to better evaluate weather would be of interest although Iā€™ve gotten pretty decent at that. I like to fly in good weather and since Iā€™m retired I can wait for that to happen mostly, but not always.

I hope you have a great time in my hometown! I see Garmin is offering some tours/programs in the Copa magazine and that was my hope.

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More information will appear in the July issue of COPA Pilot Magazine and can also be gleaned from the Migration 2023 registration site linked below, space is limited and tickets are selling fast!



There is an old expression that I find myself repeating every week with pilots that fly regularly. The expression is ā€œyou donā€™t know what you donā€™t knowā€. So you have right idea wishing to fly with an experienced instructor that can show you a bit of ā€œwhat you donā€™t knowā€.
I have a habit of asking folks how comfortable they are using the features of their Garmin/Avidyne avionics. I have yet to fly with a pilot who said they were ā€œtotally comfortableā€ who did not learn something new in their training flight.


Allow me to add that Garmin will be generously sponsoring our Saturday pre-banquet cocktail reception, inclusive of an open bar.

Additionally, Garmin has donated a truly unique experience for Saturday eveningā€™s live auction, with all proceeds benefitting the COPA Safety and Education Foundation, details of which will be revealed soon!


Consider refreshing your IFR skills while attending Migration. There will be ground/sim/flight opportunities with Platinum instructors that are experienced with R9 thru P+ avionics suites.


I would if I were IRed but Iā€™m not Ed.

It may be time to get that IR.

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Well, Iā€™m going to take another look at it. Just donā€™t imagine Iā€™d fly using IFR flight plans ā€¦ I really like flight following and descent weather flying. But who knows, I may just change my mind Shyam.

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No problem, but whatever training you may think you might need will be available at KC by the CPPP team.


This is where a good instructor is hugely valuable.

When I did my initial training, I was very proficient in many things flying, but obviously new to the SR. My CSIP very quickly figured out where the gaps were and we were able to spend our time efficiently and effectively.

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Thanks again ā€¦ thatā€™s good to know.

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Iā€™m glad to hear that top level instruction is available at KC this year. Sounds like I have some pretty terrific choices with instructors ā€¦ can I pick? I just got out to our CO home and after I finish setting things up and picking up my SR22 from annual next week Iā€™m going to prepare for the trip to KC, including signing up for some flight instruction.

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Thinking about attending my first migration! Iā€™m an instrument student that rents a Cirrus but already loving all the insights I get from reading the COPA forums.

A couple questions:

  1. Does the ticket price include the cost of the hotel?
  2. How do the CPPP flight sessions work? Do I need to bring my own plane or is there one you rent for the flight session? Iā€™m currently training for an instrument rating, would I benefit from a CPPP session?
  3. What does CPPP stand for?
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Welcome to COPA Kevin!

No, hotel stay is additional and may be booked directly from the registration site to take advantage of the Migration special event rate at the Lowes KC.

The ground sessions are part of the agenda for all attendees, no special registration or additional cost.

Each attendee for the CPPP flight session is responsible for providing their own plane and insurance, it is probably not practical to use a rental aircraft.

You will absolutely benefit from a host of CPPP ground sessions aa well as the SIM lab, even if you are unable to fly.

Sim Slots require registration and carry an additional cost, more information below.

Hope you will join us at Migration 2023 in KC, and by all means please post any additional questions you may have.

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Thanks for the reply!

Thought of another one: Does my spouse need to register for the conference to attend the Partner in Command session?

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No, the partner in command session is complementary for your spouse as part of your full event ticket, you would only need a spouse social ticket ($350.00) if attending COPA Cabana together on Thursday evening and the banquette Saturday night (I recommend attending both, great time!)

Your full event ticket, and the spouse social ticket, both include heavy horderves and an open bar at both COAP Cabana and Saturdayā€™s cocktail party, as well as dinner service during the banquette where we host our awards presentation, keynote speaker, as well as the live auction and paddle raise to benefit the COPA Safety and Education Foundation.

We are also offering a spouse event and lunch on Saturday ($75.00), you may consult all the details on the registration website.

Incidentally Mike Radomskyā€™s parter in command course is outstanding, it is always a favorite of non pilots attending Migration.


All right, I just signed up for the event and a sim session. See you there!


Great to hear! Looking forward to welcoming you to Migration!