M15: Rooms Available/ Dr. Garrett Reisman's Keynote/ Best Tugs Sponsoring COPA Living Event

Folks, we have 28 Thursday night rooms and over 50 Friday and Saturday night rooms still available at the block rate ($179 plus tax and resort fee). So there are still rooms left!

And you will truly miss out on some inspirational presentations. Our Keynote Speaker at the Saturday Banquet will be Astronaut Dr. Garrett Reisman whom will be piloting his Cirrus to Migration just like us other mere mortals! Dr. Reisman’s inspirational presentations are usually reserved for much larger audiences but he has been kind enough to present to us. You can learn more about Garrett here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCst5ue7J2k6wxNivBhEDRtw


And talk about inspirational. All I can say is that Best Tugs is the best there is. When we reached out to Best Tugs and requested that they Sponsor our Friday Night COPA Living Event at the Nashville Palace they without hesitation said yes!

And even better, Mark Patey has agreed to tell us the Best Tugs story only as Mark can. For those of you who know Mark I need not say more. For those who don’t know Mark, you are in for a treat.

So Friday night’s COPA Living Event at the Nashville Palace with Best Tugs and Mark Patey! How can you go wrong!

So don’t miss out!! Register Now: https://www.regonline.com/builder/site/Default.aspx?EventID=

Great news, Bill! Thanks to you and the whole M15 team. Looking forward to a real party. #15 for me.


I have heard that the Palace has both kinds of music, Country and Western[:)]

Just wait. We got some surprises up our sleeves! It may not be what it seems to be…

Well OK Bill, I may end up owning you 2 drinks

Thats one sweet looking Sr22T and Best Tug :slight_smile: