M15: 47 Thursday Night Rooms Now Available at Block Rate/ Best Tugs as Exhibitor and Sponsor!

GOOD NEWS!! Contrary to my last Post, we now have 47 rooms available for Thursday Night at our block rate of $179 ( plus tax and resort fee)! The hotel had made a mistake and was saying we had no rooms when in fact we had 37. In addition the hotel added 10 rooms to our block so we have 47 rooms at our block rate.

We also have 80 rooms available Friday Night and 118 available Saturday night. PLEASE register soon to make sure your rooms are reserved as after these blocks it will be very expensive.


We are also very excited to announce Best Tugs as a fist time Exhibitor and Sponsor this year! Stay tuned for some very exciting announcements about our friends at Best Tugs. You’re going to love it!!!

Outstanding. To those that are eager for a room don’t hesitate. This may be the last opportunity. Rooms in Nashville are hard to come by.

Welcome Best Tugs. Glad to have you in board.

Please note that we will provide a credit to folks who tried to register prior to August 14th but couldn’t because they were told that rooms were not available by the Hotel. The credit will be equal to the difference between the Registration price prior to August 14th and the Registration price post August 14th. Just go ahead and register under the new pricing and then send us an email to support@copa.zendesk.com and we will make the appropriate credit. Honor system please!

Ordered my Alpha Tug, Ships on August 28th.

Mark Patey is great to work with.

Awesome to hear about Best Tugs as a sponsor!

The wife might kill me now for going to migration, as it is harder and harder each time I see one of their tugs to hold out on buying one…

Stop resisting Mitchel. Didn’t you know it’s futile?