M13 Arrival / Departure info

This time of year that is normal. Hopefully just a passing cell. We had the same chances this week and did not see a drop.

Friday night is outside soooooooooo we hope it is dry for sure then :slight_smile:

We were going to see if you could use your incredible negotiating skills to cut a deal to keep it from raining.

If only it were as easy as asking John to update the Guidebook!

Speaking of… when I looked at attendance list, it was for M12, didn’t notice at first & found everyone we saw last time, at, yes, M12…

How much is the fuel discount at Millionaire? Airnav is showin ovet $7/gal


It is $3.85 at Gainesville (KGLE) for self serve, Phillips 66. This airport is northwest of Addison.

The prices dropped last week. I paid 5.80 with the discount. Its a .80 to 1.00 per gallon 100LL 1.25 Jet A.

Its a long drive from Gainesville to ADS. :slight_smile:

I pay the higher price . They waive landing fees and aver night fees if you buy fuel. Because it is a mile from the Hotel, its worth it to us.

I think Sherman has cheaper fuel to the north as well.

Fly safe.


Are you flying in tomorrow?

30% to 40% is the standard Texas forecast in the Summer, for “we don’t think it is going to rain.” (When I was growing up in Texas, I believed being a weatherman was the easiest job ever - expectations are low. smile) Summer clouds are generally in the 4000’ range, puffy and benign, so you should have no problem getting in VFR (unless the forecast changes) - especially if you arrive before 2pm. If thunderstorms move in, just let them pass through, as they are unlikely to be widespread or last very long.

Call me if you want to discuss the weather. Safe flights.


Thanks John. I’m an hour out of El Paso at 11,500. All good. Stopping for fuel and will reach KADS before dark. I sent you a couple of texts on routing

Looks like beautiful weather this morning.

Safe flights,


So Mike R told me the story of the “on air” discussion between the a news anchor and the weatherman. The Anchor was stating that he wanted the weatherman’s job for the reason John Ferrell described. The Weatherman’s comeback was priceless, “Let’s trade jobs, I will tell people what the weather was yesterday and you tell them what the news will be tomorrow.”

I noticed that the ‘register’ button has been removed from the main page. Is there a way to register on line now or do you register at the door?

Thank you!

Hi, Carlos!

Once Migration is underway, we are simply tooooooooo busy on-site, and we remove the on-line registration button since we have no time left to respond to on-line questions, etc. If you are in the area on Friday, stop in and register. We’d be tickled to see you! (We can take credit cards at Check-In.) Check-In will be open from 10:15 a.m.-3:30 p.m. However, there is no registration/Check-In on Saturday - too late!


Not a reply to John in particular, but more of a shout out to the Controller on duty on 124.25 when I flew in at noon. I have flown in some busy airspace (LA, SF, LV, PHX, SLC) and I had thought I had dealt with some busy controllers, but this guy was beyond a pro. He was handling more traffic by a factor of at least three than any other controller I have ever heard, and he didn’t sound stressed or overwhelmed. In fact, he sounded like he had everything under control (I guess that is why they are called “Controllers”). I think it was also interesting that everyone on frequency “got it” and were very responsive to his calls. It really was an amazingly well choreographed dance.

My thanks to all those who worked to make the arrival process so easy and seamless. I had two guys from Millipn Air all over my plane on shutdown and I was checked in and off to the hotel in five minutes. Pretty unbelievable when you think about the volume they handled.

Again, thanks to all

Just come. Julia asked where you were last night.

Trying to make it there this AM. See you in a bit!!

I landed about an hour before y’all. Eclipse in front, SR22 behind and many more in the air. Some on the ILS some on visual and some VFR. Very smooth all the way from the air to our rental car. i guess I should say that’s how we do things in Texas. [:P]