Here is my story. I am an instrument rated pilot. I have just over 560 hours in the last five years. I have been looking at moving up into a twin Cessna but when I looked at the operating cost, I got kind of shied away plus the type of flying I do, an aircraft like this would make more sense. The more I look at the SR22 the more I keep falling in love with it.
The wife and I do a few long trips per year but mostly short trips like just over 50-75 nm. I currently fly an Archer. Would an SR22 be a good fit for me? I am looking at some 2007.
People keep telling me that the longevity of this composite plane is questionable. Any help at would be greatly appreciated.
Prepare to be bombarded! The folks here will give you all kinds of stats that will help you decide.
My 2 cents -
Don’t listen to non Cirrus owners. There is too much false information out there.
The SR22 is a very capable plane. PLEASE go fly one and have your wife sit in it. The cockpit is very wide and so comfortable that I think she will make the decision for you!
Living in Canada you might want to be sure the plane has ice protection
It is by no means perfect but I feel it is the best plane available in it’s category.
Now all the Data guys will give you the real numbers. I say buy the Cirrus! [;)]
Your mission sounds just like mine. I just bought a 2006 NA SR22. Love it. Great for all those little hops and just as good for the long hops. I have a/c for the short low alt. trips in summer which keeps the wife happy. When she’s hot she’s nauseated. If you haven’t flown one, see if you can find a member here that’s close to you and go up in one. You will be hooked. Your landing sight picture compared to your archer will make you happy. I love the twin cessnas too and have a buddy that has a very nice 340 but he does spend a lot of cash keeping her going and burns low 30s/hr LOP doing a couple hundred knots true up high. A turbo Cirrus is half that.
I see that around 2009 they have known ice. I try not to fly too much when there is potential icing. However, I was in Fort Myers a few weeks ago with a friend in his 340 and we picked up some ice on the climb out to 19k.
My archer is great airplane just a little too slow for my needs now. I would definitely be looking at a turbocharged.
What’s the average cruising speed and altitude of the turbocharged version?
Hi Tyrone, I am a brand new pilot, got my private March 2, 2013 and will take my instrument check ride next week, and absolutuly love my 2004 SR22. I purchased it before I got my private but not before checking out alot of other aircraft. I came close to getting an Archer III and then a Cessna 182 and I am very glad those two deals fell through. I now have 175 hours and could not be happier. It is by far the most comfortable plane in its class. Good luck…Brian
I’ve owned a 2003 SR22 NA and now have a 2010 SR22T. Loved the 2003 and love my turbo even more. I’m located in Rochester, NY so not too far from you. I’d be happy to give you a ride in the near future. My cell is 585-330-8739 and my email is
At the risk of being a contrarian, you need to ask yourself whether, if your usual trip is 75 miles or so and you only make an occasional long trip, whether you 1) need an airplane in the first place, and 2) does it really matter if it cruises at 130, 150 or 170 knots. The rule of thumb is to buy what works for 90% of your flights only.
That said, most aircraft purchases for personal use are not made rationally, but emotionally. You WANT (rather than NEED) something faster than an Archer. A Cirrus is a logical step up.
But even here, if most of your flights are <100 miles you could do just as well with a 20 rather than a 22 and you certainly don’t need the added expense (purchase and operating) of a turbo. For a 100 mile flight you’ll never get high enough to see any benefit.
One approach is to buy the most airplane you can afford - 22 with FIKI, Turbo and every conceivable option. The other approach is to buy a basic aircraft that meets 90% of your needs and use the considerable amount you save to buy fuel.
As far as a twin, having flown only twins for 22 years before my Cirrus I can tell you the added expense is not worth it unless you fly over lots of water most of the time. Even then the Piston Twin is almost never a wise buy (that’s why they’re so cheap - nobody really wants them).
I may take you up on that. My email is and phone is 905-994-8225. I am going to look at one sometime next week. Hopefully the guy will offer a ride.
We would like to do more flying. We have friends in Florida, Virginia Beach, Ottawa, East Coast Canada. Besides I love flying to those airports for the $100 hamburgers/breakfast. It’s more of a want than a need.
The real issue is when I flight plan to say Florida, I would like to go and be in there a reasonably short amount of time, fly above any storms in the smooth air etc. hence the turbo. I am used to flying at 120kt or less, so anything like 170kt would be nice.
I was looking at Flightaware and punched in a few tail numbers of SR22’s. I saw some impressive speeds.
take my advise… i freaking LOVE my 2002 SR22… i owned a piper arrow for 5 years, then upgraded. i have more than doubled my yearly flying average just because i cant get enough of the airplane… BUT, my advise, DO NOT make the mistake i did. Get this plane pre buy inspected by a certified cirrus mechanic!!! My mechanic i have had for years is incredible, and he works on a TON of cirrus. He spent a few hours on my plane in pre buy and found nothing wrong… after the deal went through, i had a certified cirrus guy look at it… in 45 minutes, he found about $17,000 worth of repairs that had to come out of my pocket. The issues were simple to spot to someone who is certified. i cringe now every time i walk by the maint. hanger and see a cirrus in that non certified cirrus shop…
At times my SR22 doesnt fit the need for my business reasons, and i rent a friends cessna 340. incredible plane, but his annual last year was $30,000… stay away from the twin cessna, get the sr22… its freaking incredible.
As to some of the other posts about mission profile, ehhhh… i could have went that route and got a much slower airplane with less room and comfort and it would have fit my profile no problem. But, i like the sr22 and am blessed enough to afford it so i say what the heck. if you can afford it, and want it, who cares if you are buying the plane out of want rather than need… i say if you can afford it, you wont be disappointed
also, join this website… there… thats all i have to say
… and into his. Best to hire a 3rd party to manage the pre-buy; someone who has only your interests in mind. I recommend Savvy to assist prospective buyers of used aircraft with the pre-purchase process.
Disclaimer: I have no financial or other interest in Savvy. I’ve just seen them save so many people’s asses over the years.
This is some of these best advise I have heard! When I was selling my archer to transition to a Cirrus all my Non cirrus pilot friend tried to talk me out of it… They where 1000 percent wrong I’m on my 2nd Cirrus and have loved them both it would be hard to find anything better in this category! In my opinion…
Well… thanks for all the great advice gentlemen. I really appreciated it. I think it’s a great plane for going somewhere far or just sight seeing, or that 100 dollar hamburger somewhere. You’ve helped me make my decision. I know will get teased at my local flight club.
I will actually joined this club and pay the dues.
Sounds like a good decision. I am 14 months in my 22 after 12 years in a 172 and am very happy with the Cirrus. I still break into a happy grin every time I look into my hangar and see eight niner seven. All the positive comments are right on.