I just want to thank the people who commented in this forum about the Lightspeed headsets. I was quick enough to jump in and order one of the reconditioned 20K headsets that Lightspeed recently sold off (at about $200 less than a new 20XL). I’ve flown twice with it now and I’m impressed.
The first flight was a bit of “a new toy - what does it do” but on the second flight today I pretty much forgot about it, until half way through the flight I tried turning off the noise cancelling - it is amazing how much rumble it cuts out. I found ATC much easier to hear with it turned on - I suspect I have the radio volume quite a bit lower than I did with my DC headset. In-cockpit communications were also much easier.
So, thanks again. My partners and I have agreed in priniciple to buy 3 good passenger headsets for the SR20, and I think they will be Lightspeed!
Glad to hear it. We still love every minute we use ours. 
Glad to hear it. We still love every minute we use ours. 
I also bought the reconditioned 20K headset. I just tested mine in the trusty rental Skyhawk the other day. Wow! Very nice, and a relative bargain.
Glad to hear it. We still love every minute we use ours. 
I also bought the reconditioned 20K headset. I just tested mine in the trusty rental Skyhawk the other day. Wow! Very nice, and a relative bargain.
Where can I get these reconditioned 20K headsets.
Where can I get these reconditioned 20K headsets.
Lightspeed’s web site is http://www.anrheadsets.comwww.anrheadsets.com but last I heard, all the reconditioned headsets were gone. They were units that had been traded in on 20XL or 25XL headsets.
Glad to hear it. We still love every minute we use ours. 
I also bought the reconditioned 20K headset. I just tested mine in the trusty rental Skyhawk the other day. Wow! Very nice, and a relative bargain.
Where can I get these reconditioned 20K headsets.
I’d be interested also.
They are (or were) available direct from the factory. I learned about it from an Avweb e-mail:
Thank you for the tremendous response to the R-20K special last week.
We received hundreds of orders in the first couple of days, and only
have a few left. If you are considering buying an R-20K, but haven’t
gotten around to it yet, we suggest you order as soon as possible.
Delivery on all orders placed after February 3, 2000, will be about 2-3
weeks. Order now at .
I collaborated with 3 other pilots and we ordered (4)LightSpeed 25X sets for ‘best discount’ on one order thru AvWeb @$525/each = $2100 total +$22 shipping.
Performance (C-172 at 2400rpm) has been terrific.
All incoming radio chatter is vastly improved, as is intercom. What a difference… just switch off the ANR circuit after operating with it on for a half hour or so and you’ll never want to go back.