Key Blanks for SR20


I have just purchased a S/H SR20 and only received one set of keys for both aircraft & fuel caps. Tried having them copied but no luck due no one has the same key Blanks.

Any body know where i can get the blanks. Appreciate any assistance.



PS. Love the Cirrus


Don’t know the vintage of your aircraft or if that will make a difference. I have been able to get a couple of full key sets cut (including fuel caps) for my 2009 SR22TN in Sydney at a reasonable sized locksmith. I don’t think you would find the blanks at a shopping centre key stand or a hardware store. Have you tried a dedicated locksmith in Townsville?



Door key blanks from Aircraft Spruce P/N: 11-03175. Fuel cap keys from Cirrus but you need the number off the key itself to get the right one.


It’s also an Ilco key set. Any decent door hardware supplier will have no issue. I have several in my home town

The tricky one seems to be the fuel door lock key. I’ve been to 3 different ones (llco) who are farily specialized locksmiths and none have been able to get that one to work.

Couple of sources.

Secure Door & Hardware - Brooklyn. Ask for Anatoly.

Weinstein & Holzman - New York City. Ask for Barry.

HI Jim

Thanks for this info. Found a Aircradft Spruce distributor in Australia and they are on there way. Much appreciated.


Hey Colin, who is the distributor?

Hi Rodney,

Skyshop Australia
BRISBANE : Unit 9, 16-22 Bremner Road, Rothwell. QLD 4022
PHONE : 1300 301 161

Web site says they are the Australian representative for Aircraft Spruce. Guys name is Rod. Hope it helps.



Hi Greg,

Sorry for late reply.

Managed to get some key blanks from Skyshop Australia who are the Australian distributor for Aircraft Spruce. No luck with the fuel cap keys but Cirrus gave me the details and they are on there way from US distributor.

Thanks for your assistance.



Hi Colin
Sounds like you are sorted but if there are any delays, pm me and I will pick up a couple of blanks in Sydney where I got mine (assuming same locks).

Gas tank key blank found