Fly-in 3/02/2002 at Palm Springs

We will be having a spring fly-in at psp on 3/02/2002. To date we have 24 people and 8 Cirrus. If you could rsvp that would be great. We will meet at Signiture Air at 11:00a.m., tell them you are with the Cirrus fly-in so we can park together. At this time I have 18 tie downs together but will need to give them a solid number when we get closer. There will be a door prize for the person who travels the farthest in a Cirrus, so all you frozen mid-west drivers this is your chance to defrost. :} lunch and questions and answer period (Walt Conley) will be around 12:00…rsvp on the site or

Ed, I plan to come on 3-02-02

My wife and I will be attending the fly-in. Our SR22 won’t be delivered until 6/02, so we’ll make believe with a rented Archer.

Walt N224AZ

Hello Ed,
My partner and I would like to claim the door price already. We’ll be picking up our plane from Duluth at the end of February and fly back to home to VNY. Perhaps on the way home we’ll be able to stop by Palm Springs and pick up the door price. BUt, please make sure it’ll fit through the door of our N427MC, otherwise we have to leave it in psp.
Best regards and lots of luck for the meeting, we’ll be coming with our afterburners ON, and an ice pick to break the ice off the wings during flight.

My wife and I will be there with N246CD from North Dakota. Ed, don’t you think the rules should be amended to say “farthest from home airport”?


I should be there with at least one other person. I am picking up my SR20 Feb 1…see you there


Count me in for the fly-in with my SR 20 recently moved from Michigan to Oxnard CA.

Ed You can count on one more SR22 with probably one passenger, my wife.


Hi Ed,

I, My wife and daughter should be there in SR20 208CD.

My wife and I would like to attend, however we will be driving not flying (sigh). Could you provide me a more detailed agenda and timing, as I may try to accomplish a few other tasks while in the desert.


Tom Cleary

Ed: If there’s still room, I will plan to attend in SR-20 N1645S with a few other people. I assume the fly-in is still on.

you bet!