
Hey guys,

Does anyone know what the most recent SR22 position number that has been delivered and the exact date. I am trying to gauge how accurate the date is that I have been given for position 196. I was originally told middle march, then middle april, and now as of november I was told early May. I have already posted on the members delivery schedule spread sheet. However, there seems to be some discrepancies there. I know position 127 was delivered around the second or third week of December. Anyone have any new current info?


Can’t comment on the latest SR-22 delivery but as far as delivery dates in general your best bet is to keep in close contact with your regional salesperson. They typically have a better handle on the current situation. The contracts administration folks live in a different world, nice people though. Seems to be quite a “disconnect” between the two groups.
Of course for about 10 bucks you can get a delivery date answer 24 hours a day in real time, and save the cost of a long distance phone call. Just go to your local toy store and buy an “8 ball”, remember those? They are very advanced, made of composite material and with a properly “phrased” question probably as accurate as anything else out there…
I have a used one for sale if anyone is interested.

I just received my delivery date from Cirrus yesterday for SR 22 # 181. The date is March 26. This is very close to the original target date they were quoting last fall of the first week of April. Hang in there.

According to my “cystal ball” spreadsheet (based solely on members SR22 postings), position #196 should be delivered in April. Tell Cirrus I said so.

Walt N224AZ

Does anyone know what the latest SR20 contract to be delivered? I thought I would pose the question to the forum before trying the magic 8 ball.

I am taking delivery of sn #138 on Monday 1-14, the plane was ready on 1-04-02

Greg: I just received paperwork on my #193 due on 4/3/02, good luck.

I took delivery of #133 on January 2nd. I t was actually ready on December 22nd, but I opted to pick it up later. The delivery date had not changed for at least 3 months prior to delivery.

Roger: You passed up an opportunity for an extraordinary Christmas present? Or, maybe you wanted to experience Duluth in January!

I believe SR-20 #266 delivers late January.

I believe SR-20 #266 delivers late January.

Quite so! The airplane is supposed to be ready on Jan. 18, but we’re picking it up on Jan. 25 due to our work schedules. here to see “baby pictures” of the airplane under construction.

— Trans-Goleta Airways (Glenn Beltz and Roger Freedman)

Thanks. The last date I have for #286 is May. Sounds like a good date.



I just got mine too, for April 4th # 196. Happy Days!! Maybe I will see you up there. I am planning to go on the 4th if there are no delays on their end. I am trying to get trained and fly down to Sun-N-Fun the following week…