Come to M12, Get a Free Lawyer

At M12, we will have a wide variety of aviation seminars and discussion on safety, weather, ownership, and “etc.”.

I’m part of the “etc.”.

For all who come to M12, I’ll be presenting: "FAA Certificate Enforcement Actions: What’s in it for You?"

Our discussion will include what to do (and not to do) when:

  • ATC says: “When you land, call this number”
  • How to respond to the FSDO’s initial Letter of Investigation
  • When a NASA report should and should not be filed
  • What a Notice of Proposed Certificate Enforcement Action really means
  • How the enforcement process works, from ALJ hearings to full NTSB appeals and beyond. Actual cases (to juicy to be true) will be discussed.
    My normal speaking engagement fee for these presentations is $9,999, in green cash (gotta stay under the magic number). For M12 attendees, it’s free.

Who should attend? Any pilot who is smart enough to know that they are only a heading or altitude deviation away from having their certificate suspended.

Who should not attend? Pilots who only fly outside the United States.

Very cool, Scott. I’ll bring you a bottle of wine. It’s not the kind where you will have to declare, however.


Awesome, Scott. Can’t wait.


Several attendees asked for a copy of the slides. They are on Guidebook (COPAM12), and also attached 7215.FAA Certificate Enforcement Actions.pdf (1.38 MB)

Thanks. It was a great session.

You’re an excellent speaker Scott.

Scott: I was not able to attend, but I did review the slides. Just wanted to say thanks, both specifically for this information, but also generally for all the help you and your colleagues provide to COPA members throughout the year. The gap between your expertise and our collective naivete is vast. Thanks for helping bridge it, or at least for being a haven where people can run.

Thanks. That’s pretty much how I feel about aircraft maintenance and repairs.

As “Bones” McCoy might say: “Dammit Jim, I’m a lawyer, not a mechanic”