Click here - only if you are a spouse


If you are the COPA member, immediately hand over this computer to your spouse: do not read.

**ok. **

Now, for the spouse: We have well over 5,000 members, and YOU are the spouse of one of them.

Are you signed up for the SPOUSE EVENT at the COPA Migration?


You haven’t been told about the spouse event? Perhaps even, you and your COPA member haven’t even signed up for the M-16 Migration yet.

Well, lemme tell ya’ . . . the sign up discounts disappear next week. Heck, you deserve the party time in Las Vegas, and you deserve to sign up for the Spouse Event; a fantastic lunch at the Bellagio Hotel, with a full back stage tour of their famous fountains.

So, if he (she) won’t do it, do it yourself, but DO IT NOW.

Take your spouse to M-16 Migration; willing or not.